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Bipolar Disorder

Evidence Based Practices

Articles on Evidenced Based Practices for

Bipolar Disorder:


Cullen-Drill, M. & Cullen-Dolce, D. (2008). Early and accurate diagnosis of bipolar II disorder leads to successful outcomes. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 44(2), 110-119. Click to view article 


Gitlin, M. (2006). Treatment-resistant bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 11(3), 227-240. Click to view article


Grabski, B., Maczka, G. & Dudek, D. (2007). The role of psychoeducation in the complex treatment of bipolar disorder. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 9(3), 35-41. Click to view article


Griel, W. & Kleindienst, N. (2003). Concepts in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 108(418), 41-46. Click to view article


Hamrin, V. & Pachler, M. (2007). Pediatric bipolar disorder: Evidence-based psychopharmacological treatments, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 20(1), 40-58. Click to view article


Hayden, E., Bodkins, M., Brenner, C., Shekhar, A., Nurnberger, J., O'Donnell, B., & Hetrick, W. (2008). A multimethod investigation of the behavioral activation system in bipolar disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(1), 164-170. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.117.1.164 Click to view article


Leahy, R. (2007). Bipolar disorder: Causes, contexts, and treatments. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(5), 417-424. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20360 Click to view article


Mansell, W. (2007). An integrative formulation-based cognitive treatment of bipolar disorders: application and illustration. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 10(5), 447-461. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20369 Click to view article


McIntyre, R., Soczynska, J., Bottas, A., Bordbar, K., Konarski, J., & Kennedy, S. (2006). Anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder: a review. Bipolar Disorders, 8(6), 665-676. Click to view article


Miklovitz, D.J. & Scott, J. (2009). Psychosocial treatments for bipolar disorder: Cost-effectiveness, mediating mechanisms, and future directions. Bipolar Disroders, 11, 110-122. Click to view article


Morris, C. D., Miklowitz, D. J. & Waxmonsky, J. A. (2007). Family-focused treatment for bipolar disorder in adults and youth. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(5), 433-445. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20359 Click to view article


Steinkuller, A. & Rheineck, J.E. (2009). A review of evidence-based therapeutic interventions for bipolar disorder. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(4), 338-350. Click to view article


Vieta, E. & Colom, F. (2004). Psychological interventions in bipolar disorder: From wishful thinking to an evidence-based approach. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 422(110) 34-38. Click to view article


Wright, K., Lam, D., Newsom- Davis, I. (2005). Induced mood change and dysfunctional attitudes in remission bipolar I affective disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114 (4), 689-696. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.114.4.689 Click to view article


Yatham,L.N, Kennedy, S. H., O'Donovan, C., Parikh, S., MacQueen, G., McIntyre, R., Sharma, V., Silverstone, P., Alda, M., Baruch, P., Beaulieu, S., Daigneault, A., Milev, R., Young, T., Ravindran, A., Schaffer, A., Connolly, M. & Gorman, C. P. (2005). Canadian network for mood and anxiety treatments (CANMAT) guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: Consensus and controversies. Bipolar Disorders. 7(3), 5-69. Click to view article


Young, M.E. & Fristad, M. A. (2007). Evidence based treatments for bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 37, 157-164. doi:10.1007/s10879-007-9050-4 Click to download article