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Behavioral Medicine for Mental Health Counselors

Bibliography for Introduction to Behavioral Medicine

Selected Readings in Behavioral Medicine

for Mental Health Counselors


Overview of Behavioral Medicine

Bryan, C.J., Morrow, C. & Kanzler Appolonio, K. (2009). Impact of Behavioral Health Consultant Interventions on Patient Symptoms and Functioning in an Integrated Family Medicine Clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(3):281-293. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20539


Chesney, M.A., Darbes, L.A., Hoerster, K., Taylor, J.M., Chambers, D.B. & Anderson, D.E. (2005). Positive Emotions: Exploring the Other Hemisphere in Behavioral Medicine. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 12(5):50-58.


Delaney, K.R. (2006). Top 10 Milieu Interventions for Inpatient Child/Adolescent Treatment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 19(4): 203–214.


Evans, M.E. (2009). Prevention of Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders in Youth: The Institute of Medicine Report and Implications for Nursing. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 22(3):154–159. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2009.00192.x_


Glasgow, R.E. (2008). What Types of Evidence are Most Needed to Advance Behavioral Medicine? Annals of Behavioral Medicine,35:19-25.


Jung, T. &  Heald, G. (2009). The Effects of Discriminate Message Interventions on Behavioral Intentions to Engage in Physical Activities. Journal of American College Health,57(5):527-535.


Miller, S.M., Sherman, A.C. & Christensen, A.J. (2010) Introduction to Special Series: The Great DebateEvaluating the Health Implications of Positive Psychology. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39:1-3. doi: 10.1007/s12160-010-9173-9


Montgomery, G.H. (2004). Cognitive Factors in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60(4):405-413. doi: 10.1002/jclp.10254


Oldenburg, B. (2002). Preventing Chronic Disease and Improving Health: Broadening the Scope of Behavioral Medicine Research and Practice. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 9(1):1-16.


Oyama, O, Kosch, S.G.,  Burg, M.A. & Spruill, T.E. (2009). Understanding the Scope and Practice of Behavioral Medicine in Family Medicine.  Family Medicine, 41(8):578-84.


Sullivan, M.J.L., Feurerstein, M., Gatchel, R., Linton, S.J. & Pransky, G. (2005). Integrating Psychosocial and Behavioral Interventions to Achieve Optimal Rehabilitation Outcomes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,15(4):475-489.  doi: 10.1007/s10926-005-8029-9


Freeman, K., Hammond, A. & Lincoln, N.B. (2002). Use of Cognitive-behavioural Arthritis Education Programmes in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis. Clinical Rehabilitation,16:828-836. doi: 10.1191/0269215502cr565oa


Keysor, J.J., Currey, S.S. & Callahan, L.F. (2001). Behavioral Aspects of Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease Self-Management. Dis Manage Health Outcomes, 9(2): 89-98.  doi:173-8790/01/0002-0089/$22.00/0

Lacaille, D. (2009). Work Loss in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can We Prevent It? International Journal of Advances in Rheumatology, 7(4):107-113.


Zautra, A.J., Davis, M.C., Reich, J.W. Nicassio, P. Tennen, H., Finan, P., Kratz, A., Parrish, B. & Irwin, M.R. (2008). Comparison of Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfulness Meditation Interventions on Adaptation to Rheumatoid Arthritis for Patients With and Without History of Recurrent Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(3):408-421. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.76.3.408


Creer, T.L. (2008). Behavioral and Cognitive Processes in the Self-Management of Asthma. Journal of Asthma, 45:81–94. doi: 10.1080/02770900701247236


Ford, E.S., Mannino, D.M., Redd, S.C., Moriarty, D.G. & Mokdad, A.H. (2004). Determinants of Quality of Life Among People with Asthma: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Asthma, 41(3):327-336. doi: 10.1081/JAS-120026090


Hockemeyer, J. & Smyth, J. (2002). Evaluating the Feasibility and Efficacy of a Self-Administered Manual-Based Stress Management Intervention for Individuals With Asthma: Results From a Controlled Study. Behavioral Medicine, 27:161-172.

Chandwani, K.D., Thornton, B., Perkins, G.H., Arun, B., Raghuran, N.V., Nagendra, H.R. Wei, Q. & Cohen, L. (2010). Yoga Improves Quality of Life and Benefit Finding in Women Undergoing Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 8(2):43–55. doi: 10.2310/7200.2010.0002


deMoor, J.S., Moye, L., Low, D., Rivera, E., Singletary, E., Fouladi, R.T. & Cohen, L. (2008). Expressive Writing as a Presurgical Stress Management Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 6(2): 59-66. doi: 10.2310/7200.2008.0010

Sherman, A.C., Pennington, J., Simonton, S., Latif, U., Arent, L. & Farley, H. (2008). Determinants of Participation in Cancer Support Groups: The Role of Health Beliefs. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 15:92–100. doi:10.1080/10705500801929601

Cardiovascular Disease
AI, A.L. (2009). Private Prayer and Quality of Life in Cardiac Patients: Pathways of Cognitive Coping and Social Support. Social Work in Health Care, 48:471-494. doi:10.1080/00981380802589829


Albus, C., Theissen, P., Hellmich, M., Griebenow, R., Wilhelm, B., Aslim, D., Schicha, H. & Kohle, K. (2009). Long-Term Effects of a Multimodal Behavioral Intervention on Myocardial Perfusiona Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 16:219-226. doi:10.1007/s12529-008-9030-4

Bosworth, H.B., Olsen, M.K., Grubber, J.M., Neary, A.M, Orr, M.M., Powers, B.J., Adams, M.B., Svetkey, L.P., Reed, S.D., Li, Y., Dolor, R.J. & Oddone, E.Z. Two Self-management Interventions to Improve Hypertension Control. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151:687-695.


Frasure-Smith, N. & Lesperance, F. (2005). Reflections on Depression as a Cardiac Risk Factor. Psychosomatic Medicine,67 Supplement 1:S19–S25. doi: 10.1097/01.psy.0000162253.07959.db


Fredricksen, P.M., Diseth, T.H. & Thaulow, E. (2009). Children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: assessment of behavioural and emotional problems. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,18(5):292-300. doi: 10.1007/s00787-008-0730-8


Geyer, S., Norozi, K., Zoege, M., Kempa, A., Buchhorn, R. & Wessel, A. (2006). Psychological symptoms in patients after surgery for congenital cardiac disease. Cardiology in Youth, 16:540-548. doi: 10.1017/S1047951106001442


Lavie, C.J. & Milani, R.V. (2005). Prevalence of Hostility in Young Coronary Artery Disease Patients and Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Training. Mayo Clinical Proceedings, 80(3):335-342.


Silberman, A., Banthia, R., Estay, I.S., Kemp, C., Studley, J., Hareras, D. & Ornish, D. (2010) The Effectiveness and Efficacy of an Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in 24 Sites. American Journal of Health Promotion, 24(4): 260-266. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.24.4.arb


Steptoe, A., Kerry, S., Rink, E. & Hilton, S. (2001). The Impact of Behavioral Counseling on Stage of Change in Fat Intake, Physical Activity, and Cigarette Smoking in Adults at Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. American Journal of Public Health, 91(2): 265-269.


Suls, J. & Bunde, J. (2005). Anger, Anxiety, and Depression as Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: The Problems and Implications of Overlapping Affective Dispositions. Psychological Bulletin, 131(2): 260-300. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.131.2.260

Chronic Pain & Headaches
Ashworth, P.C.H. (2010). Cognitive–Behavioral Factors Associated With Sleep Quality in Chronic Pain Patients. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 8:28–39. doi: 10.1080/15402000903425587


Beissner, K., Henderson Jr.,C.R., Papaleontiou, M., OIkhovskaya, Y., Wigglesworth, J. & Reid, M.C. (2009). Physical Therapists' Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Older Adults With Chronic Pain: A Nationwide Survey. Physical Therapy, 89(5):456-469.


Frischenschlager, O. & Pucher, I. (2002). Psychological management of pain. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24(8): 416-422. doi: 10.1080/0963828011010884 1


Lawrence, S.A., Wodarski, L.A. & Wodarski, J. (2002). Behavioral Medicine Paradigm: Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain and Headache. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 5(2): 1-14.


Lipton, R.B. & Sheftell, F.D. (2009). Moving Forward – Essential Questions for the Next 10 Years. Headache, 49:S43-S46. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2008.01362.x


White, K. Alday, C.S. & Spirito, A. (2001). Characteristics of Children Presenting to a Behavioral Treatment Program for Pediatric Headache. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8(2):109-117. doi: 1068-9583/01/0600-0109$19.50/0 C

Buchanan, J.A., Christenson, A.M., Ostrom, C. & Hofman, N. (2007). Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Aggression in Persons with Dementia: A Review of the Literature. Behavior Analyst Today, 8(4): 413-425.


Hinton, L., Franz, C.E., Reddy, G., Flores, Y., Kravitz, R.L. & Barker, J.C. (2007). Practice constraints, Behavioral Problems, and Dementia Care: Primary Care Physicians' Perspectives. Journal of Internal Medicine, 22(11):1487-92. doi: 10.1007/sll606-007-0317-y


Iliffe, S., Wilcock, J., Griffin, M., Jain, P., Thune-Boyle, I., Koch, T. & Lefford, F. (2010). Evidence-based interventions in dementia: A pragmatic cluster-randomised trial of an educational intervention to promote earlier recognition and response to dementia in primary
care (EVIDEM-ED). Trials, 11(1):1-10.


Kar, N. (2009). Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and their management. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 51: S77-S86.


Kolanowski, A., Fick, D., Frazer, C. & Penrod, J. (2010). It’s About Time: Use of Nonpharmacological Interventions in the Nursing Home. Journal of Nursing Scholarship,42(2):214-222. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2010.01338.x


Kong, E-H, Evans, L.K. & Guevara, J.P. (2009). Nonpharmacological intervention for agitation in dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging & Mental Health,13(4): 512-520. doi: 10.1080/13607860902774394

Meeks, S., Shah, S.N & Ramsey, S.K. (2009). The Pleasant Events Schedule – Nursing Home Version: A useful tool for behavioral interventions in long-term care. Aging & Mental Health, 13(3): 445-455. doi: 10.1080/13607860802534617

Burnet, D.L., Elliott, L.D., Quinn, M.T., Piaut, A.J., Schwartz, M.A. & Chin, M.H. (2006). Preventing Diabetes in the Clinical Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21:84-93. doi: 10.1111/J.1525-1497.2005.00277.X


Egede, L.E. (2003). Implementing Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Modify Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Adults With Diabetes. Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports, June 2003:306-312.


Gonder-Frederick, L.A., Cox, D.J. & Ritterband, L.M. (2002). Diabetes and Behavioral Medicine: The Second Decade. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,70(3):611-625. doi: 10.1037//0022-006X.70.3.611


Petrak, F., Herpertz, S., Albus, A., Kulzer, B. & Kruse, J. (2005). Psychosocial Factors and Diabetes Mellitus: Evidence-Based Treatment Guidelines. Current Diabetes Reviews, 1(3):255-270. doi: 1573-3998/05 $50.00+.00


Pretrella, R.J., Aizawa, K., Shoemaker, K., Overend, T., Piche, L., Marin, M., Shapiro, S. & Atkins, S. (2011). Efficacy of a family practice-based lifestyle intervention program to increase physical activity and reduce clinical and physiological markers of vascular health in patients with high normal blood pressure and/or high normal blood glucose (SNAC): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 12(1)45:1-11. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-12-45


Sevick, M.A., Stone, R.A., Zickmund, S., Wang, Y., Korytkowski, M. & Burke, L.E. (2010). Factors associated with probability of personal digital assistant-based dietary self-monitoring in those with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33:315-325. doi: 10.1007/s10865-010-9257-9

Dahl, J.C. (1999). A Behaviour Medicine Approach to Epilepsy – Time for a Paradigm Shift? Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, 28(3):97–114. doi:


deBoer, H.M. (2005). Overview and Perspectives of Employment in People with Epilepsy. Epilepsia,46(suppl.1):52-54.


Gunter, M.J., Brixner, D., Von Worley, A., Carter, S. & Gregory, C. (2004). Impact of a Seizure Disorder Disease Management Program on Patient-Reported Quality of Life. Disease Management, 7(4): 333-347.

Ronen, G.M., Streiner, D.L., Rosenbaum, P. & Canadian Pediatric Epilepsy Network (2003). Health-related Quality of Life in Children with Epilepsy: Development and Validation of Self-report and Parent Proxy Measures. Epilepsia,44(4):598-612.

Gastrointestinal Related

Dorn, S.D. (2010). Systematic review: self-management support interventions for irritable bowel syndrome. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 32:513-521. doi:10.1111/j.1365-036.2010.04374.x


Grundmann, O. & Yoon, S.L. (2010). Irritable bowel syndrome: Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment: An update for health-care practitioners. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,25:691-699. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.06120.x


Hommel, K.A., McGraw, K.L., Ammerman, R.T., Heubi, J.E., Hansen, M., Dunlap, E. & Beidel, D.C. (2010). Psychosocial Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Gastrointestinal Complaints and Disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 17:159-166. doi: 10.1007/s10880-010-9193-4


Shen, Y. & Nahas, R. (2009), Complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Romanian Journal of Medical Practice,4(2):99-105.


Tkachuk, G.A., Graff, L.A., Martin, G.L. & Bernstein, C.N. (2003). Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive–Behavioral Group Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a Medical Setting. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings,10(1):57-69. doi: 1068-9583/03/0300-0057/0


Yoon, S.L., Grundman, O., Koepp, L. & Farrell, L. (2011). Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Adults: Conventional and Complementary/Alternative Approaches. Alternate Medicine Review, 16(2): 134-151.

Sleep Related Interventions

Garrison, R. & Libby, L. (2010).Insomnia Treatment: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Conceptual Integration. The Journal of Individual Psychology,66(3):237-252.

McCrae, C.S., Taylor, D.J., Smith, M.T. & Perlis, M.L. (2010). The Future of Behavioral Sleep Medicine: A Report on the Presentations Given at the Ponte Vedra Behavioral Sleep Medicine Consensus Conference, March 27–29, 2009. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 8:74–89. doi: 10.1080/15402001003622792

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Anderson, M.I., Simpson, G.K., Morey, P.J., Mok, M.M.C., Gosling, T.J. & Gillett, L.E. (2009). Brain Injury, 23(12):931-943. doi: 10.3109/02699050903302336


Capaldi, V.F., Guerroa, M.L. & Killgore, W.D.S. (2011). Sleep Disruptions Among Returning Combat Veterans From Iraq and Afghanistan. Military Medicine, 176(8):879-888.


Demakis, G.J., Hammond, F.M. & Knotts, A. (2010). Prediction of Depression and Anxiety 1 Year After Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Applied Neuropsychology, 17:183-189. doi: 10.1080/09084282.2010.499752


Gary, K.W., Ketchum, J.M., Arango-Lasprilla, J.C., Kreutzer, J.S., Novack, T., Copolillo, A. & Deng, X. (2010). Differences in employment outcomes 10 years after traumatic brain injury among racial and ethnic minority groups. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 33:65-75. doi: 10.3233/JVR-2010-0516


Hart, T., Dijkers, M., Whyte, J., Braden, C., Trott, C.T. & Fraser, R. (2010). Vocational interventions and supports following job placement for persons with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 32:135-150. doi: 10.3233/JVR-2010-0505

Jaffee, M.S. & Meyer, K.S. (2009). A brief overview of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within the Department of Defense. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23: 1291–1298. doi: 10.1080/13854040903307250


Lane-Brown, A.T. & Tate, R.L. (2011). Apathy After Traumatic Brain Injury: An Overview of the Current State of Play. Brain Impairment, 12(1):43-53.


Mayfield, J. & Homack, S. (2005). Behavioral Considerations Associated With Traumatic Brain Injury. Preventing School Failure, 49(4): 17-22.


McAllister, T.W. (2009). Psychopharmacological Issues in the Treatment of TBI and PTSD. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23: 1338-1367. doi: 10.1080/13854040903277289


Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2010). Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Rehabilitation and Transition to Home and School. Applied Neuropsychology,17:116-122. doi: 10.1080/09084281003708985


Skilbeck, C., Holm, K., Slater, M., Thomas, M. & Bell, T. (2011). The Factor Structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Population.  Brain Impairment, 12(1): 22-32.