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PTSD Evidenced Based Practices

Articles on Evidenced Based Practices for


Bisson, J.I., Ehlers, A., Matthews, R.,  Pilling, S, Richards, D. & Turner, S. (2007) Psychological treatments for chronic post-traumatic stress disorder Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 97- 104. doi : 10 .1192 / bjp.bp .106.021402 Click to view article

Bradley, R., Green, J., Russ, E., Dutra, L. & Westen, D. (2005) A Multidimensional Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy for PTSD. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 214-227. Click to view article


Cloitre, M. (2009) Effective Psychotherapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review and Critique. CNS Spectrum, 14 (1 Suppl. 1), 32-43.Click to view article


Davidson, P.R. & Parker, K.C.H. (2001) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(2), 305-316. DOI: I0.1037//0022-006X.69.2.305Click to view article


Korn, D.L. (2009) EMDR and the Treatment of Complex PTSD: A Review. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 3(4), 264-278. DOI: 10.1891/1933-3196.3.4.264Click to view article


Ponniah, K. & Hollon, S. (2009) Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments for Adult Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review. Depression and Anxiety 26, 1086-1109. DOI 10.1002/da.20635 Click to view article


Schubert, S. & Lee, C.W. (2009) Adult PTSD and Its Treatment With EMDR: A Review of Controversies, Evidence, and Theoretical Knowledge. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3(3),117-132.  DOI: 10.1891/1933-3196.3.3.117 Click to view article


Sharpless, B.A. & Barber, J.P. (2011) A Clinician's Guide to PTSD Treatments for Returning Veterans. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 42(1),8-15. Click to view article


Silverman, W., Ortiz, C.D., Viswesvaran, C., Burns, B.J., Kolko, D.J., Putnam, F.W. & Amaya-Jackson, L. (2008) Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Adolescents Exposed to Traumatic Events. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 37(1), 156-183. DOI: 10.1080/15374410701818293 Click to view article


Turek, P.W., Steenkam p, M. & Rauch, S.A. (2010) Combat-Related PTSD: Scope of the Current Problem, Understanding Effective Treatment, and Barriers to Care. Developments in Mental Health Law 29 Click to view article


Veterans Administration and Department of Defense (2010) VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Post-Traumatic Stress: Washington D.C., VA/DoD Click to view article