Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



Children's Games for Growing Down

Chapter 17 Children’s Games

Growing Down -Tools for

Healing the Inner Child

By: James J. Messina, Ph.D. &

Constance M. Messina, Ph.D.

What is Growing Down with Chidren’s Games?

Once again the inner child comes forth to play or re-play games. The games are approached differently in that winning is no longer vital. The enjoyment of the process is most important. Rules may be bent to enjoy the game to its fullest.


Materials needed

The games listed below can be used as well as those games you find yourselves.



Play the games, whether they be designed for children or adults, to enjoy them not to always win.


Aggravation, Milton Bradley, Ages 6+, Players 2-6:  A classic marble race around the board from home to base.


Allies and Spies, Milton Bradley, Ages 12+, Players 2-5: Players decide the fate of a nation and the destiny of the world when they play this World War II strategy game.


Ants in the Pants, Milton Bradley, Ages 4+, Players 2-4: You will have fun making your ants jump into the pants.


Balderdash, Gameworks Creation, Inc., Ages 10+, Players 2-6: You will laugh, learn and lie. This is a game of questions and answers where you bluff phony definitions for some of the most unbelievable, zaniest words in the English language.


Battleship, Milton Bradley, Ages 8+, Players 2: You combine strategy and luck in this exciting naval action game. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Bonkers, Milton Bradley, Ages 8+, Players 2-4: This game is different every time you play it.


Candyland, Milton Bradley, Ages 3-6, Players 2-4: The goal is to reach King Kandy as fast as you can but be careful of the Molasses Swamp.


Chutes and Ladders, Milton Bradley, Ages 4-7, Players 2-4: Be the first to go from square 1 to 100 in this classic up and down game. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Charades, Pressman, Ages 10+, Players 4 or more: The players race around the game board competing against each other and against time. It's charades like it's never been played before.


Clue, Parker Brothers, Ages 8+, Players 2-6: This classic detective game is solved by using and eliminating clues. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Cookie Monster Popper Game, Lewco, Ages 3+, Players one or more: Don't be the one who makes the cookies pop.


Cootie, Milton Bradley, Ages 3+, Players 2-4: You build your own Cootie by rolling the cootie cube to collect the parts you need.


Crackers in my Bed, Parker Brothers, Ages 3-6, Players 2-4: This is a matching game where you find them, match them, and then feed them quick.


Double Trouble, Milton Bradley, Ages 5+, Players 2-4: This is a classic race and chase game of twists and turns.


Encore, Parker Brothers, Ages 2 teams of adults, Players 4: This is a musical party game where the lyrics are the important aspects.


Game of Life, Milton Bradley, Ages 9+, Players 2-4: This is a game of skill and chance just like life.


Guess Who, Milton Bradley, Ages 6+, Players 2: In this mystery game of matching, you try to match your opponent's faces by asking questions.


Hands Down, Milton Bradley, Ages 6+, Players 3-4: This is a classic game of slapdash fun.


Hide and Sneak, Worlds of Wonder, Ages 5+, Players 2-3: Play the ultimate game of hide and seek inside or outside. Take a hider unit and try to hide from the ultrasonic eye of the seeker device. Be the master tracker by using the super reconnaissance power of the seeker device to track down the hiding sneak.


Jeopardy, Pressman, Ages 12+, Players 3-5: The fast moving game of answers and questions.


Memory, Milton Bradley, Ages - various levels, Players 1-4: These games, at different age levels, test your matching and memory abilities.


Monopoly, Parker Brothers, Ages 8+, Players 2-8: This is the classic real estate trading game. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Mouse Trap, Milton Bradley, Ages 6+, Players 2-4: This is a game of zany action on a crazy contraption.


Outburst, Western Publishing, Ages - adults, Players 2 or more in teams: In this uproarious game, players speak out on common knowledge topics.


Parcheesi, Milton Bradley, Ages 7+, Players 2-4: This classic race and chase game originated with the royalty in India.


Pictionary, Western Publishing, Ages - various levels, Players 3-16: This is a game of quick draw charades on paper. Players guess the identities of various words and phrases by sketching clues. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Puzzles, all ages, all prices, all kinds of pictures. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Quizzard, Random House, Ages 10+, Players 3-6: This six-armed electronics, buzzing, flashing, gee whiz bang of a game requires you to answer questions on three levels of difficulty.


Risk, Parker Brothers, Ages 10+, Players 2-6: This is a classic game of strategy. It is general versus general; fierce attack against valiant defense; bold strikes and cunning traps. To win, you must capture every territory on the board. But victory depends on how you deploy your forces, where you fortify your frontiers, and when you attack your enemies.


Scattergories, Milton Bradley, Ages 12+, Players 2-6: In this game players must name various categories that begin with a designated letter. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Scrabble, Selchow and Righter, Ages 8+, Players 2-6: This is the classic family word game. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Simon, Milton Bradley, Ages 7+, Players 1 or more: This is a computer controlled game where you have to react quickly to Simon's flashing colored light and sound signals. You must repeat the randomly played sequence exactly.


Tip-It, Ideal, Ages 4+, Players 2-4: You must win it before you tip it.


Tripoley, Ladaw, Ages - adult, Players 2-8: This is the original game of Michigan Rummy, Hearts, and Poker.


Trivial Pursuit, Parker Brothers, Ages - all levels, Players 2-6: This game challenges the mind when you have to answer questions in various categories. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Trouble, Milton Bradley, Ages 5+, Players 2-4: This classic race and chase game moves forward with the click of the popper.


Twister, Milton Bradley, Ages 6+, Players 2-4: This is the game that ties you up in knots. You outmaneuver your opponents by placing your hands and feet on the colored circles. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play and great for Growing Down Body Movement Work)


Ungame, Tailcor, Ages - all, Players - any appropriate number:. This is a wonderful game of self-expression. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)


Win, Lose or Draw, Milton Bradley, Ages 12+, Players 3 or more: You start sketching and guessing all kinds of things in this race against the clock.


Yahtzee, Milton Bradley, Ages 8+, Players 1 or more: This is a game of luck and strategy. (Strongly Recommended for Child Play)