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Resources on Evidenced Based Practices

Evidence Based Practices Resources to utilize in creating Treatment Plans for Clients: Provides descriptions, references to

empirical support, clinical training materials, and training

opportunities for many empirically supported treatments. The Society of Clinical

Psychology's Website on the most current Research supported Psychological Treatents. Practice Guidelines provided in England by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Comprehensive information on

evidence-based programs and practices including client

characteristics and levels of evidence at the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices of SAMSHA.


eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base - Online Medical Journals, Textbooks, and Physician Reference Articles-Best online

 resource of medical direction for DSM IV-TR diagnosed cases

WebMD a professional website with material related to eMedicine.


American Academy of Family Physiciansmedical data base for

EBP and medications


material is based on the Harvard School of Medicine Health
Publications Division.

Psychiatric Disorders: Merck Manual Professional good source of information on the diagnoses, psychopharmacological treatment and Evidence Base Practices for treating these diagnoses is a resource put out from McMaster University

in Hamilton Ontario which directs you to resources on all of the diagnostic categories and sources of information of Evidence

Based Practices for these disorders


National Guideline Clearinghouse a public resource for

evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.


UpToDate UpToDate is specifically designed to answer the

clinical questions that arise in daily practice and to do so quickly

and easily so that it can be used right at the point of care.


Medicine's Resources for Evidence Base Practices

American College of Physician: Online Journal Club



eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base-



Cochrane Library at at


Pub Med:A service of the National Library of Medicine


Clinical Practice Guidelines: National Guideline Clearinghouse

(NGC), a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice

guidelines. NGC is an initiative of the

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 


MD Consult: at 


Ovid Services: 



Medscape Resource Center - Schizophrenia: Wellness Center


Childhood Disorders

Rule Out Model for the Early Identification



Medscape Resource Center - Depression


Depression Symptoms vs. Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder

on WebMD


WebMD Depression Health Center - Learn the symptoms of depression and find treatment options on WebMD


Instruments to measure Depression two scales for measuring Depression at the bottom of the page are -The Goldberg Scale

and the The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale


Bipolar Disorder:

Medscape Resource Center - Bipolar Disorder



Suicide: Causes and Clinical Managementfrom Medscape


Anxiety and Panic Disorder:

The Anxiety Community - excellent resource of information

from clients and others on anxiety disorders


The Hamilton Anxiety Scale: located on

the Anxiety Community Website. A useful tool for assessing the

level of anxiety of clients



Various Instruments for Quick Assessment of Alcoholism 

from online courses for social services workers from CSAP a

branch of SAMSHA including the CAGE, AUDIT, MAST

and S-MAST


Medscape Resource Center - Addiction


Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment A Research Based Guide

from the National Institute of Drug Abuse


National Drug Threat Assessment 2007 based on Drug Usage

from 2002-2005



Mental Health Court:

Emerging Judicial Strategies for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Caseload: Mental Health Courts a PDF file from the US

Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.


DSM and General Websites


DSM-V Prelude Project


NIMH: The Number Count Source of information from NIMH on the prevalence of Mental Health Disorders


NARSAD: The Mental Health Research Association National Organization of Research in Mental Illness


Psychdirect.comis a resource put out from McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario which directs you to resources on all of the diagnostic categories and sources of information of Evidence Based Practices for these disorders