Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



Pinellas Hope Independent Living Skills 

Training Program

Pinellas Hope Independent Living Skills Training Program

Lesson 1: Do I do What is Needed to Live On My Own?

Physical Hygiene

1          Do I maintain a clean body?

2          Do I do a good job of taking care of my hair?

3          Do I do a good job of taking good care of my face?

4          Do I clean my hands on a regular basis when needed?

5          Do I take good care of my teeth?

6          Do I take good care of my clothing?

7          Do I clean my clothes on a regular basis when needed?


Healthy Nutrition

8          Do I maintain a simple and proper diet?

9          Do I do a good job of shopping for food?

10        Do I make easy meals for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks?

11        Do I use appropriate food storage and kitchen cleanup


Appropriate Personal Organization

12        In choosing my clothing do I wear them to reflect that my life is improving daily?

13        How well am I doing in getting myself together?

14        Do I maintain a backup plan when setting goals for myself?

15        Do I make use of available community resources?

16        Do I affirming myself with: I can….. I will….., I am ….. statements?


Maintaining Physical and Emotional Health

17        Do I visit the doctor and other health care people on a routine basis?

18        Am I taking my meds as directed by my doctor?

19        Am I self-monitoring of how I am physically and emotionally doing everyday?

20        What do I need to do when I am having bad feelings?

21        Do I engage in a regular physical exercise program to keep well?

22        Do I sleep soundly on the average 7 to 8 hours a night?


Managing Stress

23        What is stress doing to me and what has it done to me in the past?

24        What’s happened to me in past and present which stressed me out?

25        What pushes my buttons?

26        How have I “coped” in the past?

27        What new coping skills do I need to learn?

28        What do I need to do to live smarter and living longer?

Strategies for Success in Healthy Living

28        Am I using the serenity prayer on a daily basis?

30        Am I developing a healthy network of external supports for myself?

31        What do I need to learn to do thing which are good for me?

32        How well do I handle difficult situations in healthy ways?


Succeeding in Independent Living

33        What makes a "Home"?

34        What do I do to insure safety in my home?

35        What do I do to insure safety in my neighborhood?

36        Do I understand healthy apartment living guidelines?

37        Do I keep my apartment clean on a daily basis?


Better Use of my Leisure Time

38        What do I do to seek happiness and contentment in my Life?

39        What are my needs and wants: for happiness, contentment, and comfort?

40        What actions can I take to make my dreams come true?

41        What actions can I take to increase the joy in my life?

42        What are my most important values that drive my life today?

43        What new activities can I do to add balance to my life?


Are You the Little Engine that Could?

In order to gain more control over our emotions and behavior, we can become more aware of the negative destructive thoughts that enter our minds almost habitually. These negative thoughts have the power to control how we feel and how we process information in deciding how to behave. The good news is that while we typically cannot control the way we feel about a person or a matter, we can control our thoughts! This becomes significant when we need to change the way we respond to certain situations. The behaviors and feelings that we most often want to change are the ones that have negative consequences tied to them. High intensity feelings like rage, envy, sadness, and guilt can be debilitating, particularly if experienced often. Let’s look at an example where our feelings can change in response to a change in our thinking pattern.

EXAMPLE: A neighborhood fire breaks out and three family homes are burned down. There was no loss of life, but one woman who lost her home grieved so much she ended up in the hospital for stress-related illness.

What happened to the other homeowners? How did they manage to survive the fire without needing medical care?

In this narration, the other fire victims were relieved that there was no loss of life and that everyone in their family was safe. While they had normal feelings of grief and loss they managed to look toward building their lives again.


Please add examples of negative thoughts and their consequences:

Negative thoughts/attitude         Feelings                    Behavior

1. I am stupid                                Sadness                    Avoid learning

2. I can’t do anything right            Overwhelmed            Won’t try

3. I must be perfect                      Tense/No Joy             Limiting

4. I can’t trust people                    Suspicious                Avoid others

5. I am afraid                                Fear                           Won’t live life






The Little Engine that Could: The CAN DO Attitude Needed to Change Your Life
To change your life will require that you acquire a "can do" attitude like The Little Engine that Could. You can learn a great deal from this classic children's book and before you begin to explore improving your life you need to learn how to get on board with the "thinking that you can." 

Motivation To Change Your Life and To Find Your Cheese When It is Moved. 

There are just some things that are hard to get motivated for, things like house cleaning, shopping, paying bills etc. Yet motivation is the wood that sets our lives aflame with meaning and focus. It keeps us going when the going gets tough. It “turns us on!” Have you thought about the things, people, places, situations that motivate you? Motivation is best when it comes from inside you, and you don’t have to have someone else motivating you. You do it because you want to. There may be only a few things that motivate you, but whatever they are they are powerful igniters. If you can find out what motivates a child for example, you can get that child to perform duties that otherwise would be difficult. If you are no longer motivated to act or accomplish something in your life, you may be discouraged, tired, or depressed. Be encouraged, it only takes a small fire to kindle a dream or pursuit! Once you tap into that thing that stirs your interests, and desires, you will find that it stayed there waiting on you. Just pick it up and start off where you left off.

Things that interfere in my reaching my goals:

1. I have trouble taking the first step.

2. I did not finish high school.

3. I am too old to go back to school.

4. I don’t know where to start.

5. I don’t have support.

6. I need clothes.

7. I don’t know salary to ask for.

8. I don’t have transportation.

9. I lack basic work skills.

10. I had bad experiences in my last job.

11. I am not physically able to work.

12 Other:

My Life has Meaning when

I can:

I have:

I  would be more satisfied with my life If I could: 

Things I really enjoy doing: .

If I had to Reward Myself for Doing Something Well I Would:

The Who Moved My Cheese? Am I Ready to Find My Cheese?
The most talked about motivational model in corporate America is the book Who Moved by Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D. We take a look at the personality styles involved in this model and which model is the "Can DO" model to  change your life in a healthy and productive way. 
On YouTube you can watch a cartoon adaption of this story. You can watch the cartoon story of "Who Moved My Cheese" by clicking here to watch the video
Once you have watched  Who Moved My Cheese,  do a couple of self-assessments as to where you fit with the four characters in the story. Are you a HEM? or a HAW? or a SNIFF? or a SCURRY? 
The message of "Who Move My Cheese" is the adapting to and embracing the need to change. To get an additional perspective on this topic, watch this video on "Overcoming Resistance to Change" on youtube by clicking here. This video is based on the book "Isn't it obvious?" by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. Spinning off of this video is another one on overcoming resistance to change which helps to clarify what the options for helping others recognize the need to change. Have a look at it by clicking here.
Importance of Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Own Life

Have you noticed that few people want to take responsibility these days? There is trash on the front side walk. Who picks it up? You often hear, it’s not my job! No, it’s not your job, but you live there and it may reflect poorly on you. Not taking responsibility for what goes undone is one thing, but if you don’t take responsibility for your life decisions you will pay. Just the thought of taking on one more responsibility is perhaps tiring to most people who are already over stressed with family and work duties. But, there is one positive way to think about it: being more responsible can also mean taking more control over what happens to you. The more you can determine the positive things in your life the more you will have them. If you leave control in the hands of someone else, or in the hands of the “system,” you will no doubt find the outcome may not be what you want. So one way of getting more of what you want from life is to make sure that the outcome turns out in your favor. Take the responsibility!

Barriers in my past:

List some of the things, situations, or people that have hindered you in the past from achieving your goals.

Barriers in my present life:

What are things, situations or people that are currently interfering with you reaching your goals?


Some things I have learned from past mistakes:

Addressing Substance Use/Abuse Issues

The art of making good choices and informed decisions is not an easy task. It takes time and thought. One has to consider how our actions affect others. Substance use alters one’s ability to process information and make responsible action plans. Often things done under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have long term effects.


Things that I regret done under the influence of drugs or alcohol:

Things I can do or say to take Responsibility for My Actions under the influcence of drugs or alcohol: