Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



Pinellas Hope's Psycho-Social Programs

Addressing the Needs of Residents of Pinellas Hope
There are over 400 residents residing at Pinellas Hope at any one Time. Over 250 are housed in temporary housing and another 200+ are residents of independent apartments on the grounds of Pinellas Hope. 

There is a need to establish a coordinated onsite Behavioral Health Program at Pinellas Hope utilizing our partners: PEMHS, Directions, PAR, BayCare, Boley Centers and Suncoast. The goal is to prevent the Pinellas Hope clients:
  • From going back on the streets
  • Being readmitted for Mental Health or Substance Abuse Disorders
  • Being Baker Acted or Marchman Acted
  • Over utilizing emergency rooms for their health care needs
  • Dying by overdose or suicide
  • Needing police intervention and/or incarceration due to antisocial behaviors
  • Being expelled from Pinellas Hope services due to not abiding by the rules and regulations of the program.

For the above reasons, the Behavioral Health Project of Catholic Charities has begun to implement Group Psychotheraphy and Psycho-Educational Programing for Pinellas Hope residents. 

Group Psychotherapy and Psycho-Educational Interventions at Pinellas Hope 

Independent Life Skills Training: How to survive living alone, How to manage my budget to insure my rent transportation and nutrition needs are met at:

SEA’s Program: A clinician led 12 Step Program focused on skills needed to address the addictive, impulsive, inappropriate, and unhealthy behaviors which can lead to relapse and recidivism so as to improve the self-esteem of the participants in a productive manner (Utilizing the SEA’s Program at:

Physical Health Care Prevention Training: Maintaining Healthy Exercise, Diet, and Sleep habits: (Utilizing Tools for a Balanced Lifestyle: at:

Wellness Training: How to be relaxed in times of stress; Mindfulness Training; Meditation Training; Yoga Training; Art Therapy, Gardening Therapy; Animal (Utilizing the Holistic Approaches identified at:

Physical Health Management Training: Understanding any chronic health problems they might have such as Diabetes; Asthma; High Blood Pressure; Cardiac Health problems; Arthritis, or other physical disabling conditions; Understanding the types of medications given them by their attending physicians, psychiatrists and ARNP’s and the importance of following the directions in taking and maintaining the use of these medications in a healthy manner (Utilizing the Integrated Medicine Approaches and Strategies for Success in Health Management available at:

Interpersonal Skill Training: How to avoid getting into arguments and confrontations; How relate to people on a one to one basis; How to establish and retain friendships or collegial relationships with others (Utilizing the Tools for Coping Series at: )