Tools for Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress Management and Sleep Enhancement
Mindfulness & Neurobiological
Tools for Healing - A Training Resource
By Jim Messina, Ph.D., CCMHC, NCC, DCMHS-T
How can mindfulness change your life - Jon Kabat Zinn at:
How Mindfulness Changes Us.- Jo Pang at:
How mindfulness meditation redefines pain, happiness & satisfaction - Dr. Kasim Al-Mashat At:
9 Attitudes - Jon Kabat Zinn at:
Meditation Music for Positive Energy - Relax Mind Body | Spiritual Awakening Music at:
Meditation Music for Positive Energy l Clearing Subconscious Negativity l Relax Mind Body at:
Positive Mindfulness - Positive Transformation - Itai Ivtzan at:
Concentration Music, Study Music, Relaxing Music for Studying, Soothing Music, Alpha Waves, ✿161C - YellowBrickCinema’s Study Music & Concentration Music is ideal background music to help you to study, concentrate, focus and work more effectively. at:
Tibetan Meditation Music, Healing Music, Calm Music, Stress Relief Music, Relaxing Music, ☯3453 - "Our relaxing music is perfect for Deepak Chopra meditation, Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, Mindfulness meditation and Eckhart Tolle meditation. This music is influenced by Japanese meditation music, Indian meditation music, Tibetan music and Shamanic music. Some benefits include cleansing the Chakra, opening the Third Eye and increasing Transcendental meditation skills. The work of Byron Katie, Sedona Method, Silva Method and the Secret highlights the fact that healing can occur through using the mind and being in the “now”. Healing Meditation can be practised using this music for best results at:
White Mandala Meditation - Music for Inner Peace, Purity and Radiant Energy at:
Insight Timer - Meditation App (cost free)
Learn to meditate on Insight Timer to help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, manage stress, sleep deeply and improve happiness. At:
Guided Mind (cost: free)
Relax and get guided through meditations on a variety of topics dealing with the stresses and challenges of day-to-day life. At:
Mindfulness - Everyday guided meditations (cost: free)
Science-backed audios for everyone from entrepreneurs to stay at home moms. Use Mindfulness to quiet the chatter in your brain and to achieve clarity. Come back anytime you need an extra dose of serenity. At;
The Mindfulness App – meditate (cost: free)
Start your journey to a more relaxed and healthier state of mind with The Mindfulness App. Whether you are just starting out or experienced in meditation, The Mindfulness App will help you to become more present in your daily life. At:
Mind Timer - A Simple Timer for Insight Meditation (cost: free)
Mind Timer is a simple app that keeps track of the time while you meditate. At:
Aura: Calm Anxiety & Sleep - Mindfulness Meditation Daily (cost: free)
Reduce stress & anxiety, improve focus, and sleep better using daily mindfulness meditations, life coaching, stories, and music. All personalized to you based on your mood. At:
Take a Break! - Meditations for Stress Relief (cost: free)
Take a break now and let your stress melt away! You can enjoy the deep relaxation, stress relief and benefits of meditation now with this app by Meditation Oasis™. Featuring two popular meditations from the the Meditation Oasis podcast, the app gives you the option to listen with or without music or nature sounds. You can also listen to the relaxing music and nature sounds alone. At:
Calm (cost: free)
Calm Body sessions are 10 minute guided video lessons on mindful movement and gentle stretching. Lessons include "Morning Wakeup", "Afternoon Reset", "Back Care" and "Evening Wind Down". Addition programs on the app include: Calm Masterclass, Breathe Bubble, Scenes selector, Calm Body, and your Profile. At:
Headspace: Meditation Breathe, sleep, relax & focus (cost: free)
Headspace is the simple way to reframe stress. Sleep trouble? Meditation creates the ideal conditions for a good night’s rest. Relax with guided meditations and mindfulness techniques that bring calm, wellness and balance to your life in just a few minutes a day. At:
Stop, Breathe & Think - Meditation for Calm & Sleep (cost: free)
Meditation & mindfulness to help you feel strong, connected and inspired through life’s ups and downs. At:
Happify: for Stress & Worry - Activities, Games & Meditation (cost: free)
How you feel matters. Whether you're feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or you're dealing with constant negative thoughts, Happify brings you effective tools and programs to take control of your emotional wellbeing. At:
Simple Habit - Meditation (cost: free)
Simple Habit is the best meditation app for busy people. Meditate for just 5 minutes/day to reduce stress, improve focus, sleep better, relax faster, breathe easier, and more. At:
Meditation Rx - Relief for Patients & Families (cost: $2.99)
Find relief from the stress of serious illness with the Meditation Rx app. Whether you are ill or are supporting a loved one through an illness, you will find guided meditations especially designed to suit your needs. The app helps you to deal with the stresses of being ill, being in a medical setting, undergoing difficult procedures, hearing bad news and more. At:
At Ease Anxiety & Worry Relief (cost: $2.99)
The Meditation Oasis® At Ease app has a unique approach to relieving anxiety and worry, by combining voice-guided breathing meditations, exercises and journaling. At Ease is intended to make deep and lasting change rather than applying a temporary “band aid”. Most people will experience immediate relief using the guided breathing meditations, but the long term benefit of At Ease will come from using the breathing meditations, exercises and journaling regularly over time. At:
Mindfulness Podcasts
The Mindful Podcast by Mindful
Top Meditation and Mindfulness Podcasts (Our Selection for 2018) by
This site selects its top picks each year and these are just for 2018 at:
Mindfulness Medication Podcasts by Player PM at Rubin Museum's Mindfulness-Medication Podcasts at
Daily Meditation Podcast
By Mary Meckley: Meditation Coach l Sleep Better l Reduce Stress + Anxiety
A Library of Meditations at Your Finger Tips: Join meditation coach, Mary Meckley, for daily meditation inspiration as she answers your questions and guides you on the journey of establishing a daily meditation ritual. Each week you're introduced to a brand-new meditation theme to keep your meditations dynamic. Mary provides guidance as you sit down to meditate with her each day. She shows you how to make meditation a natural part of your day... not something that interrupts your day. Weekly themes include meditating to Manage Stress (Episodes 323-329), Manage Anger (Episodes 106-112), Overcome Self Doubt (Episodes 225-231), Move Past Fear (Episodes 344-350), Manage Addiction (Episodes 386-392), Reduce Anxiety (Episodes 176-182), Manage Depression (Episodes 443-449) and Improve Confidence and Self Esteem (Episodes 190-196).
YouTube Mindfulness - Meditations
Mar 24, 2015 - Uploaded by The Honest Guys - Meditations - Relaxation
Mindfulness has been shown to be very beneficial. In this guided mindfulness meditation you can learn to ..

Nov 3, 2013 - Uploaded by Maria Lewis
This is a mindfulness video that is a guided meditation by Dr. Robert E. Dinenberg and has been layered with ...
Aug 29, 2016 - Uploaded by The Mindful Movement
This is a guided meditation to help you develop your skill of being mindful and present. ... Your browser does ...
Oct 2, 2017 - Uploaded by The Mindful Movement
This is a voice only guided mindfulness meditation to help you calm the sense of being overwhelmed and find ...
May 29, 2017 - Uploaded by Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music
Calming Mindfulness Meditation before Sleeping (Spoken Guided Sleep .... channel page, your videos ...
Oct 12, 2016 - Uploaded by Calm
Tamara Levitt guides this 10 minute Daily Calm mindfulness meditation to powerfully restore and re-connect ...
Jul 13, 2017 - Uploaded by TechCrunch
Simple Habit is a Y Combinator-backed startup focused on mindfulness and meditation. This past May ...
Mar 23, 2014 - Uploaded by MindfulPeace
This meditation is now available for download! ... Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 ...
Aug 14, 2017 - Uploaded by The Mindful Movement
Practice mindfulness to acknowledge respectfully what is happening, what you are ... Your browser does not .
Daniel Siegel's Website contains loads of free materials on Mindfulness and the Wheel of Awareness including video clips, podcasts and other free materials to expand your understanding of mindfulness and Dr Siegel's spinoffs. At:
Mindsight Institute was founded by Daniel Siegel and it conducts online classes and workshops all related to mindfulness and its appllication in mental health, physical health and family life at:
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) MARC's mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society. This centers offers programs, weekly podcasts and training. At:
UMass Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care andSociety (cfmHome) is the home of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and conducts classes, training and has many materials available on their site. Jon Kabat-Zinn is on their faculty. He is the author of a foundational artticle: Kabat-Zinn, J. Mindfulness Meditation: What is it, What it isn't, And its Role in Health Care and Medince. In: Haruki, Y., Ishii, Y., & Suzuki, M. Comparative and Psycholgocal Study on Meditation. Eburon, Netherlands, 1996 pg 161- 169. To get more information on cfmHome go to::
EOC Institute: This organization offers a plethora of information on the benefits of Mindfulness and other Meditation strategies and is worth having a look to see what topics would help you. At:
Mandala Drawing Meditation
Mandala is an ancient word meaning "sacred circle". This circle shaped image illuminates a conscious state through a symbolic pattern. The purpose of the mandala drawing is to integrate different parts of the self, to create calmness and to help the creator to feel centered and whole. Mandalas help to comfort ambiguity in healing ways. They can instruct the person to contemplate for a few moments conflicting thoughts or feelings causing tension. Often one feels ambivalent about the recovery process itself. Part of the self desires wellness and part desires the familiar, even if it is unhealthy.
DIRECTIONS for Drawing a Mandala
After some reflections, start drawing the mandala with a central image that summarizes the dilemma. Add around the center illustrating with colors, or lines, or symbols that characterize the uncertain or contradictions requiring reconciliation.
When finished, write a title and date.
RECOMMENDATION for Setting the Mood play in the background one of the three YouTube Videos listed in the Video section above:
LINKS for Mendala Designs
Mindfulness Training Online
a Journal of Medical Internet Research September 2018 article was a
report on the initial success of increasing resilience in a workplace
with workers in "high risk jobs." The job in question was being a fire
fighter. This pilot study of the Resilience@Work program suggests that a
mindfulness-based resilience program delivered via the Internet is
feasible in a high-risk workplace setting. In addition, the firefighters
using the program showed a trend toward increased resilience and
psychological flexibility. This study was the first time a
mindfulness-based resilience-training program was delivered wholly via
the internet and has been tested in the workplace.
Below is the Home Page for the Resilence at Work Mindfulness Program
The Outline of the 6 Session Topics in the RAW Online Mindfulness Program
- Introduction to mindfulness, resilience and psychological well-being
- Mindfulness
skills: Understanding your reactive mind versus wise mind, Recognizing
unhelpful mind chatter and managing uncomfortable and unhelpful thoughts
(cognitive defusion); Recognizing your values exercise
- Revision of cognitive defusion, Introduction to mindfulness with emotions,The reactive mind and avoidance, Understanding how values are linked toemotions; Valued action check
- The problem with avoidance, Recognizing avoidance strategies versus adaptivestrategies
- Self-care and support, The compassion myth, barriers to accessing compassion,compassion fatigue, self-compassion actions & resilience; Identifying mindfulsupport (compassionate, nonjudgmental and mindful); Valued action check
- Compassion-focused mindfulness; Gratitude practice, optimism and resilience,identify and celebrate the milestones; Creating a personalized action plan to practice skills
Below are the pages from the first two Sessions in the RAW Program
Why this is important news! The
sucess of the RAW Program encourages those who want to train others in
Mindfulness to work at developing not only in person Mindfulness
Training Programs but also to do so on the internet. Mindfulness is so
adaptable that people do not need an in-person trainer to have it become
a regular wellness habit in their lives.
Joyce S, Shand F, Bryant RA, Lal TJ, & Harvey SB.
(2018). Mindfulness-based resilience training in the workplace: Pilot
study of the internet-based Resilience@Work (RAW) Mindfulness Program. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2018;20(9): doi:10.2196/e10326, URL:
Additional JMIR Articles on Use of Internet in Mindfulness Training
A, LaMontagne AD, Milner A, Deady M, Calvo RA, Christensen H, Mykletun
A, Glozier N, Harvey SB. (2018). A New Online Mental Health Training
Program for Workplace Managers: Pre-Post Pilot Study Assessing
Feasibility, Usability, and Possible Effectiveness. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 2018;5(3):e10517. DOI: 10.2196/10517 At:
P, Brandberg Y, Bränström R (2016). Feasibility and Outcomes of an
Internet-Based Mindfulness Training Program: A Pilot Randomized
Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2016;3(3):e33. DOI: 10.2196/mental.5457 at:
WW, Chio FH, Chan AT, Lui WW, Wu EK (2017). The Efficacy of
Internet-Based Mindfulness Training and Cognitive-Behavioral Training
With Telephone Support in the Enhancement of Mental Health Among College
Students and Young Working Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2017;19(3):e84
DOI: 10.2196/jmir.6737 at: