By: James J. Messina
My Self‑esteem is adrift in the SEA of Life.
When the SEA was rough and the Waves were surging,
I was tossed and battered.
When the SEA was still and surf was flat,
I was anchorless with no direction
When the SEA was choppy and the waves white capped,
I was insecure and fearful
When the SEA was stormy, filled with furor and unpredictability,
I was immobilized.
When the SEA was calm, windless, and dead,
I wallowed in my doldrums.
When the beauty of the SEA enticed me,
I entered it freely,
Only to find below the surface
A churning cauldron.
When the SEA was a foaming, raging enemy,
I entered it bravely,
Only to find below the surface,
Its beauty and charm.
When I needed nurturance and sustenance,
The SEA provided the tools for survival.
When I needed challenge and motivation,
The SEA became my source of goals and dreams.
When I was uneasy and restless,
The SEA provided peace and calm on its shores.
When I was feeling low and depressed,
The Sea buoyed me by its strength and magnitude.
The SEA has an ever-changing face and persona.
It moves me in a million directions.
My Self-Esteem is open to change,
And only though
My taking control in the SEA of life
Will I grow to be strong and healthy.