Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



Strategies for Success in Personal Health Management

Behavioral Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

A Training Resource

By Jim Messina, Ph.D., CCMHC, NCC, DCMHS-T

Strategies for Success in Personal Health Management: This program is aimed directly at patients who are referred to Behavioral Health Consultants and it is available here for you to utilize. 

Strategies for Success in Personal Health Management

Going for the 3 Increases: Increase in Health, 

Increase in Happiness & Increase in Energy

A Model Patient Support Group

The following are a set of materials which Behavioral Health Consultants can utilize in setting up and conducting ongoing psychoeducational and support groups in their Integrated Primary Care Settings. The title of the program is: Strategies for Success in Personal Health Management and the motto for the psychoeducational and emotional support group is: Going for the 3 increases: Increase in Health, Increase in Happiness & Increase in Energy

Download Table of Contents of Strategies for Success in Personal Health Managment: Click Here

Directions for use of this program
The topics covered in this program can be shared with patients on a one to one basis outside of a group setting. However it is recommended that this group be conducted once a week and specific topics to be covered be determined by the needs of the group members. Also it is recommended that the SEA's Tools for Recovery Items 28-33 be utilized throughout the course of the group given they are tools to help patients cope with irrational or illogical thinking, stress, anger, control issues, inner emotional turmoil and relapse.  

How to use these materials

  1. Personalize the PowerPoints with the your name and the name of the medical team you are associated with and add additional facts and figures to make the program specific to the needs of your patient population
  2. Use the PowerPoints and Handouts in one on one Psychoeducation with individual patients
  3. Use the PowerPoints and Handouts in Groups which are arranged around the topics and issues contained in the program
  4. Develop Specific Groups for Your Medical setting such as the three described in this program for 1. Smoking Cessation Support Group, 2. Parents Support Group and 3. Diabetes Support Group
  5. When to use these materials
    1. When asked for a curbside consult with a patient right after seen by the Primary Care Physician
    2. A scheduled date and Time to have a one and one consult based on referral from the Primary Care Physician
    3. In scheduled Weekly Support and/or Psychoeducational Groups you set up within the Primary Care Medical Setting
    4. As in-service educational programming for allied medical professional in your medical setting
  6. Create any additional handouts which suit the topics in the program to enrich the experience of your patient population. Do not forget to utilize the material handouts available at:

Topics, PowerPoints and Handouts for this program:

1. What do these Terms Mean? Overview of Medical Terminology to Help Patients have a better understanding of what is going on in the Integrated Medical Setting

Click on the item to download: PowerPoint   PDF Fact Sheet What Do These Terms Mean

2. Tips from "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy" Overview of tips on healthy eating from Harvard Medical Center

Click on the item to download: PowerPoint   PDF Handout

3. Benefit of Exercise over the Lifespan A rationale for including a program of physical activity and exercise in one's long term plan for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Click on the item to download: PowerPoint   PDF Handout

4. Introduction to the Use of Exercise in Your Life More explicit instruction on the use of exercise to improve one's health and lifestyle
Click on item to download: PowerPoint  PDF Handout

5. Rationale for Exercise for Weight Management Specific guidelines for use of exercise in a weight management effort by patients 
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

6. All About Heartrate in Exercise Provides patients with information on the different heartrate goals when exercising
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

7. Tips on Walking Looking at walking as an inexpensive and reasonable exercise for patients to begin with in their efforts to imporve their health and change their lifestyle.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

8. All about Stretching Instruction for patients on stretching so as not to hurt their muscles and body as they begin to initiate the use of exercise in their every day life. 
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout
9. Sustaining a Healthy Outlook An overview of redirecting patients thoughts to a more postive direction as they initiate an effort to implement a healthy way of living in their lives. 
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

10. Overcoming Perfectionism in Changing Your Lifestyle Helping patients to let go of the need to control and be so prefectionistic which is self-defeating when trying to implement a way of living which they have never experienced before.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

11. Making Peace with Food Helping patients to let go of their guilt and anger over their previous issues with food so as to help them get on track in their efforts to change their lifestyle patterns.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

12. Introduction to Your Support Team Tips for participants in the support groups established by Behavioral Health Consultants in Integrated Primary Care Settings. 
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

13. Open Admission to Your Support Team Advice to participants in support groups conducted by Behavioral Health Consultants to take the risk and be open about themselves, their trials and failures as well as their successes in their attempts to create a healthy lifestyle for themselves.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

14. Your Support Team as a Healing Environment Ways for the support group participants to evaluate how supportive their group is.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

15. Strengthening Your Support Team Steps that patients can take to strengthen the support they get from participating in the support group lead by the Behavioral Health Consultant.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

16. The Importance of Sleep An overview of the need for a healthy night's sleep and the implications for not having achieved restful sleep in one's life.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout  Fact Sheet:Sleep Hygiene
17. What is Stress An overview of the physiological process involved in the human body's response to stress.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

18. What are the Sources of Stress An overview of the various issues in everyday life which create stress for our patients
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout  and Personal Life Events Inventory

19. Tips for Relaxation of Stress Response A look at Progressive Relaxation Training and Full Breathing Exercise to help reduce the impact of stress in our patients' lives.

20. Tips on Pain Managment An overview of the typical treatments for managing pain, the sources of this pain and a look at non-medication alternatives to help create a healthier outcome for our patients.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout
21. Resilience-Bouncing Back in a Healthy Way An overview of what is Resilience and why it is so important when facing challenges to your health and in your life. A personal inventory is included in this program.

22. Overcoming Helplessness A look at the pattern of helplessness which undermines the work of patients to take control of their health and to be compliant with medical directives.

23. Dealing with Depression An overview of Depression including a self-assessment, understanding how depression is experienced, what irrational thoughts contribute to depression, the neurolobiology of depression and why medications do work and changes in lifestyle which can help prevent or lessen the impact of depression.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

24. Self-Affirmations To Strengthen Health Management A look at Self-Affirmations of all types which patients can use as they begin the process of putting in efforts to improve their handling of their health related Thoughts, Emotions and Actions.
Click on item to Download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

25. Recovery Strategies to Strengthen Health An overview of Journal Writing, Behavioral Chains and Thought Stopping as three ways to turn one's life around to live a healthier life and improve one's habits and lifestyle.
Click on item to Download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

26. Steps of Problem Solving in Health Management Easy steps to follow to problem solving. Thic model can be applied by patients in problem solving on how they can change old unhealthy habits to healthier ones. 
Click on item to Download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

27. Handling Unhealthy Cravings & Urges That Undermine Health Management Tips on how to cope with cravings, triggers and urgers to revert back to old unhealthy habits which can impact the longterm health of patients. 
Click on Item to Download PowerPoint  PDF Handout
28.  All About Smoking Cessation An overview of rationale for quitting smoking and tips for successful smoking cessation.
Click on item to download: PowerPoint  PDF Handout

29. Impact of Secondhand Smoke A look at the negative impact that smoking around others especially children can do harm to them.
Click on item to download: PowerPoint  PDF Handout

30. Physical Effects of Smoking A look at the health and appearance issues which come from not quitting smoking. It is a hopeful motivator to assist patients to decide to quit.
Click on item to download: PowerPoint  PDF Handout

31. What You Need To Know About Asthma An overview of the symptoms of asthma, triggers for asthma and how to manage it.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

32. Dealing with Sleep Problems A review of the five stages of sleep, Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Shift Work and other Sleep problems and Steps for Good Sleep Hygiene.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout  Fact Sheet: Sleep Hygiene

33. Diabetes: Facing It Head On! An overview of the risks for and causes of diabetes and ways to prevent and/or manage them.

Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

34. Alcohol Use – Good or Bad for You? A review of fact about Alcohol Use, Abuse and Dependence and how an individual can assess if there is a problem with Alcohol and what to do about it if there is a problem.

Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

SEA's Tools For Recovery Presentations The following topics are short hand easy to remember tools which patients can use as they work to get more rational and ready to change old unhealthy habits into new healthy heath engenerding habits. 

35. The SEA's Tools for Recovery and TEA System This system teaches patients they must first change their thoughts and actions before they take on changing their behaviors to adopt new healthy habitts in their life. If they do not follow this system they are subject to stress and pressure to revert to their old habitual ways of living.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

36. ALERT System-Change Irrational Thinking To Become Healthy This system teaches patients that hey need to recognize what unhealthy irrational thinking keeps them stuck in their unhealthy lifestyle so that they can work at changing this unhealthy thinking to adopt a new healthy way of living.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

37  ANGER System--Dealing With Your Anger in a Healthy Way This system teaches patients that they must deal honestly with their triggers for anger which upset and stress them out keeping them hooked into their old unhealthy habits which tend to help them cool off their anger, even it is in an unhealthy way.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

38. LET GO System-Lighten the Need to Control To Become Healthy This system teaches patients that they need to let go of trying to control people, places and things which they have no control over. That in reality they can only control their own thoughts, emotions and actions which is important if they want to turn their lives around and live a healthier lifestyle.
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

39. CHILD System-Gaining Inner Health for a Healthier Body This system teaches patients that they must grow in unconditional self-love and self-acceptance inorder for them to believe that they deserve the effort and time needed to develop a healthy lifestyle which ensures their longterm health
Click on item to download PowerPoint  PDF Handout

40. RELAPSE System--Bouncing Back from Reverting to Old Unhealthy Habits This system teaches patients that relapse back into old unhealthy habits is to be expected and this system gives them steps to take if and when there is an urge to relapse into old unhealthy habits.
Click on item to download PowerPoint   PDF Handout

Alternative Programs using the Strategies for Strengthing Health Program’s Modules

Smoking Cessation Support Group

1. What do these Terms Mean?

34. All About Smoking Cessation

35. Impact of Secondhand Smoke

36. Physical Effects of Smoking

27. Handling Unhealthy Cravings & Urges That Undermine Health Management

2. Tips from "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy"

3. Benefit of Exercise over the Lifespan.

4. Introduction to the Use of Exercise in Your Life

12. Introduction to Your Support Team

13. Open Admission to Your Support Team

14. Your Support Team as a Healing Environment

15. Strengthening Your Support Team

9. Sustaining a Healthy Outlook

10. Overcoming Perfectionism in Changing Your Lifestyle

28. The SEA's Tools for Recovery and TEA System

29. ALERT System-Change Irrational Thinking

31. LET GO System-Lighten the Need to Control to Become Healthy

32. CHILD System-Gaining Inner Health for a Healthier Body

33. RELAPSE System--Bouncing Back from Reverting to Old Unhealthy Habits

26. Steps of Problem Solving in Health Management

21. Resilience-Bouncing Back in a Healthy Way

22. Overcoming Helplessness

24. Self-Affirmations To Strengthen Health Management.

25. Recovery Strategies to Strengthen Health

17. What is Stress

18. What are the Sources of Stress

19. Tips for Relaxation of Stress Response

40. Alcohol Use – Good or Bad for You?

Parent Support Group

1. What do these Terms Mean?

9. Sustaining a Healthy Outlook

10. Overcoming Perfectionism in Changing Your Lifestyle

20. Tips on Pain Management.

21. Resilience-Bouncing Back in a Healthy Way

22. Overcoming Helplessness

24. Self-Affirmations To Strengthen Health Management.

25. Recovery Strategies to Strengthen Health

26. Steps of Problem Solving in Health Management

17. What is Stress

18. What are the Sources of Stress

19. Tips for Relaxation of Stress Response

34. All About Smoking Cessation

35. Impact of Secondhand Smoke

36. Physical Effects of Smoking

40. Alcohol Use – Good or Bad for You?

Use of Pathfinder Parenting on at:


Tools for Parents of Children with Special Needs at:

Diabetes Support Group

1. What do these Terms Mean?

39. Diabetes: Facing It Head On!

2. Tips from "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy"

3. Benefit of Exercise over the Lifespan.

4. Introduction to the Use of Exercise in Your Life

5. Rationale for Exercise for Weight Management

6. All About Heartrate in Exercise

7. Tips on Walking.

8. All about Stretching

40. Alcohol Use – Good or Bad for You?

36. Physical Effects of Smoking

34. All About Smoking Cessation

9. Sustaining a Healthy Outlook

23. Dealing with Depression

22. Overcoming Helplessness

24. Self-Affirmations To Strengthen Health Management.

25. Recovery Strategies to Strengthen Health

10. Overcoming Perfectionism in Changing Your Lifestyle

20. Tips on Pain Management.

21. Resilience-Bouncing Back in a Healthy Way

26. Steps of Problem Solving in Health Management

17. What is Stress

18. What are the Sources of Stress

19. Tips for Relaxation of Stress Response