Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) &

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

Mindfulness & Neurobiological

Tools for Healing - A Training Resource

By Jim Messina, Ph.D., CCMHC, NCC, DCMHS-T

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

Train the Trainer Program

8-Week Zoom On-Line Interactive Training

(CE Broker Tracking #:20-711351) 24 CEU's

Offered by COPING.US Training Programs (CE Provider # 50-21474)

This program is approved by Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling for: LMHC's,LMFT's, LCSW's & CMSW's and Florida Board of Nursing for: RN's, ARNP's, LPN's & Clinical Nurse Specialists

Resource for Course on

Introduction to MBSR at:

Advanced Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at:

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) at:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) at:

Pain Management - A Neurobiological Approach at:

Stress Management at:

Improving Your Sleep Using Mindfulness and Other Neurobiological Tools at:


Program Description:

This program is geared to train mental health professionals who want to present the 8 Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program known as MBSR along with Mindfulness Self-Compassion known as MSC in their respective offices, agencies, hospitals or community. This program is an evidence-based program to alleviate clients’ unhealthy stress in their lives as well as an effective tool used in an interdisciplinary setting for Non-Medication Management of Pain. The program will review the research in both emotional stressors and physical health and pain management as well as put the participants through an 8 week course with daily follow-up which includes practicing the specific meditation exercises presented in each weekly session along with daily logs on the formal and informal practice of both practices exercises and reviewing relevant Literature, Videos, Reading and Apps which the trainees can include in their own future mindful programs they will conduct.


Learning Objectives: 

After participating in the program the participants will:

1. Learn about the underlying methodology, philosophy and intentionality of the MBSR and MSC programs by reviewing all the relevant literature and research made available in this training program

2. Learn about each of the key components of the MBSR–MSC 8 weekly sessions which include overview of the psychology behind the meditation exercises to be presented that week along with supportive documentation which expands the theoretical underpinnings of the therapeutic model presented.

3. Learn about the daily exercises they will put their clients through when they present their own MBSR-MSC training programs including how to assist clients to keep a daily log as they practice the specific meditations presented in their weekly class.

4. Learn about the various assessment which can be utilized to assess if their clients first need the MBSR-MSC program to address their stress and/or pain and then to do follow up assessments once their clients complete their MBSR-MSC program.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and
Mindfulness Self-Compassion (MSC) Train the Trainer Program

An Interactive online program conducted with Zoom

Time: Wednesdays: 5:30-7:30 pm

24 CEU's in 8-weekly sessions online with Zoom (CE Broker Tracking #:20-711351)

(NOTE: Enrollment for this program is limited to 20 Trainees)

Prerequisite to enroll in either 8 week program is:

Introduction to MBSR (3 CEU's)
(CE Broker Tracking #: 20-699427) on Zoom interactive program
Wednesday September 2: 5:30-8:30 pm

Post 8-week Required Program is:

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (3 CEUs) ((CE Broker # 20-787200) on Zoom interactive program Wednesday November 4: 5:30-8:30 pm

What you need to have before the first week session: Please download on your phone, tablet or computer the JKS Series #1, #2 & #3 which are the Mindfulness Meditations by Dr Jon Kabat Zinn which will be used in this program. Also you will need a copy of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook  (2018) by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer, New York, NY: Gilford PressAmazon listing:

Zoom MBSR-MSC Training Program September 2-November 4 (10 week Total)

Week 1: Introduction to MBSR (CE Broker #20-699427) 3 CEU’s Weds September 2, 2020 Time 5:30-8:30 pm

Weeks 2-9: MBSR-MSC Train the Trainer Program (CE Broker #20-711351) 24 CEU’s Weds September 9-October 28, 2020 Time 5:30: 30 pm Evaluation for the 8 week MBSR-MSC Train the Trainer Program Click Here

Week 10: Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (CE Broker # 20-787200) 3 CEU’s Weds Nov 4, 2020 Time 5:30-8:30 pm  Evaluation for Nov 4th ACT Training Workshop: Click Here

Supplemental Week 11: Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Disorder Workshop (CE Broker Tracking #: 20-790692) 3 CEU’s: Wednesday November 11, 2020 at 5:30-8:30 pm via Zoom Evaluation of Nov 11th MAT for OUDTraining Workshop: Click Here

Audience: Current Troy and NLU students, alumni and faculty. We can handle up to 20 trainees with up to 3 facilitators making each team up to 7 trainees apiece.

Rooms: Break the group into Zoom rooms for Teams with no more than 7 participants led by a MBSR trained leader


Requirement for Intro to MBSR Course

During the Initial Intro workshop all participants will be asked to bring some raisins to the session and then during the session will listen and follow JKZ’s 16 minute Raisin Exercise and then during the week their formal practice will be to daily use raisins or other foods to practice sensory mindfulness and awareness.


Requirement for 8-Week MBSR-MSC Train the Trainer Program

During the 8 weeks MBSR-MSC Train the Trainer: Trainees would do progress sheets weekly and email them to COPING.US Training Programs prior to the next meeting, in order to receive their CEU’s and Certificate at the end of the program.


What you need to have before the first week session of the MBSR-MSC Program: Please download on your phone, tablet or computer the JKS Series #1, #2 & #3 which are the Mindfulness Meditations by Dr Jon Kabat Zinn which will be used in this program. Also you will need a copy of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook (2018) by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer, New York, NY: Gilford Press Amazon listing:


Zoom Team Rooms Weekly Agendas: The rooms would handle the Team Discussions

1. At start of Weekly Session, meet to discuss and share their feelings and reaction to their previous week’s experience and go over any highlights they want to share from their Weekly Formal and Informal Practice Progress Sheets

2. After 15-minute Chair Yoga to share their response to chair yoga exercise

3. After the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) video share their response to their Weekly MSC workbook efforts

4. After the weekly meditation to share their experience and response to the meditation and what they anticipate their coming week to be like.


Model of Program: Present the program with no lecturing except for the first night of Intro to MBSR for 3 CEU. The remaining Advanced MBSR-MSC 8 weeks for 24 CEU's For a total of 27 CEU's for the total 9 sessions. Followed by the ACT Training at 3 CEU’s for a complete total of 30 CEU’s


Schedule: Wednesday starting at 5:30 ending at 7:30 pm (for the 8 session MBSR-MSC program) except for Intro night which ends at 8:30 pm since it is for 3 CEU’s and ACT Training which also ends at 8:30 pm since it also is for 3 CEU’s





Intro to MBSR

Sept 2

5:30-8:30 pm

Session 1 MBSR-MSC

Sept 9

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 2 MBSR-MSC

Sept 16

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 3 MBSR-MSC

Sept 23

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 4 MBSR-MSC

Sept 30

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 5 MBSR-MSC

Oct 7

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 6 MBSR-MSC

Oct 14

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 7 MBSR-MSC

Oct 21

5:30-7:30 pm

Session 8 MBSR-MSC

Oct 28

5:30-7:30 pm

Intro to ACT

Nov 4

5:30-8:30 pm


Registration for this 10 Week Program

To register for this 10 week program you need to copy and paste the Form below and submit the information by email to the by the deadline for Registration: Friday August 28, 2020

Information Needed:

Your Information:

Your Name:



Your personal (non-school) email address:


Your Cell Phone Number in case of an emergency:


Your Name as you would like to have it appear on the Train the Trainer Certificate:


Your State of Florida Registered Intern or License #


Your home Snail-mail address to which your formal Certificate should be sent to:



Outline of 8 Week MBSR with MSC Program

Required Materials for this Program
Meditations: JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3 available at Apple Store or Google Play (see below for links)

MSC meditations at: or

Workbook: The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook  (2018) by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer, New York, NY: Gilford Press

Week 1

In class:

MBSR Meditation Activity

Cover the specifics of conducting the 8-week program and introduce the participants Meditations beginning with the #1 Body Scan Meditation (45 min) from JKZ Series #1 which participants must do on their own on the day prior to this meeting and then for six days that week.

Assignment: Do the Body Scan at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily progress log form.


Week 1: Handout Body Scan Click Here to Download

Week 1: Practice Log -  Click Here to Down Load Send completed Log to:

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on: 

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program - Introductory Video

MSC Session 1: Practicing Self-Compassion with Chris Germer & Kristin Neff at:

MSC Reading and Exercises:

Directions: During Session 1 read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 1 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 1: What is Self-Compassion? p. 9 -18

Chapter 2: What Self-Compassion is Not p. 19 - 24

Chapter 3: The Benefits of Self-Compassion p. 25 - 30

Chapter 4: The Physiology of Self-Criticism and Self-Compassion p. 31 – 37

Chapter 5: The Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion p. 38 - 43


Self-Compassion Break on Session 1 video  or

Self-Compassion Break Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at: 

Self-Compassion  Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Session 1 Progress Log Click Here to Download

Week 2

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 1 went and what did the participants experience. Then introduce the participants the #2 Mindful Yoga 1 (45 min) from JKZ Series #1 which participants must do on their own on the day prior to this meeting and then for six days that week. (a chair yoga version of #2 Mindful Yoga is at: 

Assignment: Do the Mindful Yoga 1 at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily progress log form.


Week 2: Handout Mindful Yoga Click Here to Download

Week 2 Practice Log Click here to Download Send your completed Log to:

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on: 

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program – Get feedback on week 1 experience and view:

MSC Session 2: Practicing Self-Compassion with Chris Germer at:

Reading and Exercises:

Directions: During Session 2  read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 2 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 6: Mindfulness p. 44 – 49

Chapter 7: Letting Go of Resistance p. 50 – 56

Chapter 8: Backdraft p. 57-63


Affectionate Breathing Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Labeling Emotions Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:
Session 2 Progress Log Click Here to Download
Week 3

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 2 went and what did the participants experience. Then introduce the participants the #3 Sitting Meditation (40 min) from JKZ Series #1 which participants must do on their own on the day prior to this meeting and then for six days that week.

Assignment: Do the #3 Sitting Meditation Practice at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily progress log form.


Week 3: Handout Sitting Meditation Click Here to Download

Week 3: Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to:

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program– Get feedback on week 2 experience and view:

MSC Session 3: Practicing Loving-Kindness with Chris Germer at:

Reading and Exercises:

Directions: During Session 3  read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 3 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 9: Developing Loving-Kindness p. 64 – 68

Chapter 10: Loving Kindness for Ourselves p. 69 – 76


Discovering Loving-Kindness Phrases Informal Exericse in Chapter 10 on video at:

Loving-Kindness for Ourselves  Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:
Loving Kindness for Beginners With Chris Germer at:

Session 3 Practice Log Click Here to Download

Week 4

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 3 went and what did the participants experience. Then introduce the participants the #4 Mindful Yoga 2 (40 min) from JKZ Series #1 which participants must do on their own on the day prior to this meeting and then for six days that week. (alternative chair version: Mindful Yoga 2 at

Assignment: Do the #4 Mindful Yoga 2 Practice at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily progress log form.


Week 4: Handout STOP one-minute breathing Click Here to Download

Week 4: Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to:

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program– Get feedback on week 3 experience and view

MSC Session 4: Discovering Your Compassionate Voice with Chris Germer at:

Directions: During Session 4  read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 4 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 11: Self-Compassionate Motivation p.b77 – 84

Chapter 12: Self-Compassion and Our Bodies p. 85 – 93

Chapter 13: Stages of Progress p. 94 - 99


Compassion for Self and Others Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:
Compassionate Body Scan Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Session 4 Progress Log   Click Here to Download:

Week 5

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 4 went and what did the participants experience. From this week on the participants can choose any of the Meditations from JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  

Assignment: Do any of the Meditation Practices on JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily practice log form.


Week 5 Option 1 Handout: Turning Toward Difficult Emotions Click Here to Download

Week 5 Option 2 Handout: Turning Toward Physical Pain Click Here to Download

Week 5 Handout for both options: Soften, Soothe. Allow Click Here to Download

Week 5 Practice Log/ Emotional Distress & Physical Pain Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program – Get feedback on week 4 experience and view:

MSC Session 5: Living Deeply with Chris Germer at:

Directions: During Session 5  read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 5 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 14: Living Deeply p. 100 – 109

Chapter 15: Being There for Others without Losing Ourselves p. 110 - 114


Giving and Receiving Compassion Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at

Compassionate Friend Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:
Session 5 Practice Log  Click Here to Download
Week 6

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 5 went and what did the participants experience. The participants can choose any of the Meditations from JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  

Assignment: Do any of the Meditation Practices on JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily practice log form.


Week 6 Handout Conflict Management Styles Click Here to Download

Week 6 Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program– Get feedback on week 5 experience and view:

MSC Session 6: Difficult Emotions with Chris Germer at:

Directions: During Session 6  read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 6 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 16: Meeting Difficult Emotions p. 115 – 119

Chapter 17: Self-Compassion and Shame p. 120 – 129


Soften Soothe Allow Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at

Working with Difficult Emotions Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at

Mindfulness of Emotions in the Body Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Session 6 Progress Log  Click Here to Download

Week 7

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 6 went and what did the participants experience. The participants can choose any of the Meditations from JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  

Assignment: Do any of the Meditation Practices on JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3  at least six times this week. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week on your daily practice log form.


Week 7 Handout Three Elements of Self-Compassion Click Here to Download

Week 7 Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program – Get feedback on week 6 experience and view:

MSC Session 7: Exploring Difficult Relationships with Chris Germer at:

Directions: During Session 7 read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then on your Session 7 Progress Log post your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 18: Self-Compassion in Relationships p. 130 – 137

Chapter 19: Self-Compassion for Caregivers p. 138 – 143

Chapter 20: Self-Compassion for Anger in Relationships p. 144 - 152

Chapter 21: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness p. 153 - 159


Compassion with Equanimity Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at

Giving and Receiving Compassion Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at
Forgiveness of Others Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Forgiveness of Ourselves Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Session 7 Progress Log  Click Here to Download
Week 8

MBSR Meditation Activity

In class: Find out how week 7 went and what did the participants experience. The participants can choose any of the Meditations from JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3

Assignment: Continue to do any of the Meditation Practices on JKZ Series #1, #2 & #3 for as much as they want to. Just let your experience be your experience. Record your experiences this week in your daily journal or log.


Week 8 Handout RELAPSE System  Click Here to Download

Week 8 Practice Log Click here to download Send completed log to

Chair Yoga for Zoom Training

Click on:

Mindful Self-Compassion 8-week Program– Get feedback on week 7 experience and view:

MSC Session 8: Embracing Your Life with Chris Germer at:

Directions: During the Session 8 read the following chapters and do the exercises in each chapter and then in Session 8 Progress Log record your response and reactions to what you read and you experienced in these exercises.

Chapter 22: Embracing the Good p. 160 – 165

Chapter 23: Self-Appreciation p. 166 -172

Chapter 24: Taking It Forward p. 173 - 176


Loving-Kindness for Ourselves Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at:

Compassionate Walking Audio Meditation with Chris Germer at: 

Session 8 Progress Log  Click Here to Download

NOTE: To help to enhance each of the weekly sessions be sure to utilize (1) The Supplemental Materials by week below and (2) the tools available on listed at the beginning of this Stress Management section BELOW.
Supplemental Materials for MBSR-MSC Training
Supplemental Progress Logs

Week 1: Practice Log -  Click Here to Down Load Send completed Log to:

Week 2 Practice Log Click here to Download Send your completed Log to:

Week 3: Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to:

Week 4: Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to:

Week 5 Practice Log/ Emotional Distress & Physical Pain Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Week 6 Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Week 7 Practice Log Click Here to Download Send completed log to

Week 8 Practice Log Click here to download Send completed log to

Supplemental Weeks 1-7 Informal Practice Logs
In typical MBSR only Training programs participants are expected to do both a Formal Practice of Meditation and then Informal Mindful Awareness Practice. Since this MBSR-MSC training program is using the MSC Workbook Self-Study process it functions as the informal practice for this program. However if you would also like to do the Informal Practices and log them you can get all 7 Informal Practice Locgs by Clicking Here

Week 1 Supplements


Shel Silverstein's The Missing Piece Click Here to Watch Video

The Missing Piece Click here to download Handout

Alternative PowerPoints 

1. What is Stress & Its Impact on Health Click Here to Download the PowerPoint

2. Neurobiology of Improving One’s Mental Health Click Here to Download the PowerPoint

3. Low Self-Esteem: The Hidden Roadblock to a Full Healthy Self-Rolling Life Click Here to Download the PowerPoint

Week 2 Supplements


The Little Engine That Could Click Here to View Video


You can Do It! Lessons from the Little Engine that Could Click Here to Download


What Percentages of Each Engine are You in Your Self-Care Click Here to Download

Week 3 Supplements
The Actual '73 Giving Tree Movie Spoken By Shel Silverstein Click here to View Video


The Giving Tree Keeps Giving Click Here to Download

Week 4 Supplements


Precious Present Click Here to View Video or Alternate Video Precious Present Click Here to View VIdeo


Reflections on "The Precious Present" Click Here to Download

What Can We Learn from “The Precious Present?” Click Here to Download

Week 5 Supplements


Shel Silverstein's The Missing Piece Meets the Big O Click Here to Watch Video


Are You a Missing Piece? Click Here to Download Handout

Week 6 Supplements


Who Moved My Cheese Click Here to View Video


The “Who Moved My Cheese” Personal Change Agent Model Click Here to Download


Self-Assessment of Beliefs about Change Click Here to Download

The Handwriting on the Wall Self-Assessment  Click Here to Download

Week 7 Supplements


My Iceberg is Melting click here to play John Kotter explains message fo this book:


Creating the NOW Attitude “Our Iceberg is Melting” Model Click Here to Download


Overcoming Complacency in Quest of Improved Physical & Emotional Health Click Here to Download

Resources on Related to Stress Management

Tools for Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress Management and Sleep Enhancement at:

Pain Management - A Neurobiological Approach at:

Improving Your Sleep Using Mindfulness and Other Neurobiological Tools at:

Introduction to Neuroscience For Mental Health Professionals at:

Dealing with the Opioid and Heroin Epidemic A Training Resource at:

Suicide Intervention and Prevention Strategies A Training Resource at:

Behavioral Medicine for Mental Health Professionals  A Training Resource at:

Motivational Interviewing - A Training Resource at:

Tools for Coping Series at:

 Tools Used in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

8-Week Program

Resources Used to Develop this 8 week modified MBSR program for use in a variety of mental health settings.

1. Santorelli, S.F., Meleo,-Meyer, F. & Koerbel, L. (2017). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Authorized Curriculum Guide. Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at University of Massachusetts Medical School. Downloadable at:

2, Palouse Mindfulness -  Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course Manual. Downloadable at:

Audio Programs of Jon Kabet-Zinn's Meditations to be used in the 8 Week Course are in the first series of programs in the availabe two sets of programs which can be aquired through Better Listen: To purchase these 3 series of MBSR Meditations go to:

JKZ Series Apps

JKZ Series Apps, Each of the three volumes of Jon Kabat-Zinn's Meditations are  available at the Apple Apps store and Google Play. Each volume can be downloaded to your devices for easy availability. Each App costs $10.00.

JKZ Series 1 on Apple Store at:

JKZ Series 2 on Apple Store at:

JKZ Series 3 on Apple Store at:

Jon Kabat-Zinn 1 on Google Play at:

Jon Kabat-Zinn 2 on Google Play at:

Jon Kabat-Zinn 3 on Google Play at:

Use of the Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Programs

Series 1 – Which are used in the 8 Week MBSR Course

Track 1: Body Scan Meditation

Track 2: Mindful Yoga 1

Track 3: Sitting Meditation

Track 4: Mindful Yoga 2


Dr Jon Kabat Zinn suggests the following:

I suggest you start by doing the body scan meditation (track # 1) for two weeks straight before going on to alternate with the guided mindful yoga 1 (track # 2) for another two weeks, one program per day. If the yoga is too strenuous for you (it is quite gentle actually, and you are encouraged to do it to your own capacity and visualize yourself doing whatever parts of it you are not yet ready to try), you can just alternate between the body scan and the guided sitting meditation (track # 3). The postures for both yoga tracks are outlined in Full Catastrophe Living.


The volume of my voice on the yoga tracks drops in certain places because I am speaking as I am doing the postures myself. This is not a defect in the program. Just follow along as best you can. The volume comes back up as the posture releases.


After four weeks with tracks 1 and 2, you can introduce the guided sitting meditation practice (track # 3) and alternate it for the next two weeks with mindful yoga 2 (track # 4), or with the body scan or mindful yoga 1, depending on your inclination. In week seven, you are encouraged to try to keep up the practice for a week without the tracks, using whatever combination of practices you care to.


In week eight, you are encouraged to return to the tracks, and use whichever ones make the most sense to you as you develop your own unique meditation practice, hopefully for the rest of your life. Of course, you can always combine the various practices in any way that you care to, at any time.


After practicing these guided meditations, you are likely to find that you are more mindful in your life at other times as well. This is a natural benefit of mindfulness practice. You can deepen this process by intentionally bringing awareness of your breathing and of your body as a whole into as many moments as you can in your everyday life. Practicing in this way can help you to see stressful situations with greater clarity

Book by John Kabat-Zinn related to Series 1 of JKZ series is:  Kabat-Zinn, J. (2013). Full catastrophe living- Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress. Bantam Books: New York 

Click here for Link for Book on Amazon


Series 2

Tracks 1, 2, 3 Sitting Meditations

Tracks 4, 5, 6 Lying Down Meditations

Track 7 Mountain Meditation

Track 8 Lake Meditation

Track 9 Silence with bells at set times: 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes

Track 10 Silence with bells at random times


Dr Jon Kabat Zinn describes the Series 2 set of mediations:

The first three guided sitting meditations introduce you to the basic elements of formal mindfulness meditation practice, including both the inner and outer attitude reflected in your posture and in the quality of your attention. You can work up progressively from the ten-minute version to the twenty-minute one to the thirty-minute one as your concentration and awareness deepen over time.


The guided meditations on track 4-6 are aimed at cultivating mindfulness while lying down, preferably on your back. This may require that you learn how to “fall awake,” which is, after all, what mindfulness is about, instead of falling asleep, which is easy to do when lying down and becoming more and more relaxed.


The mountain meditation and the lake meditation evoke two powerful images that may help you to deepen your concentration, broaden the field of your awareness, and expand your feeling for the inward gesture involved in mindfulness practice. Ideally, the mountain meditation should be done sitting, and the lake meditation lying on your back.


Silence with bells provides an opportunity to practice on your own, without my guidance, once you have the feel for it from the other programs. This involves just hearing whatever is here to be heard in any moment, whether it is silence or sound.

Book by John Kabat-Zinn related to Series 2 of JKZ series is: Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness Meditation in every day life. Tenth Anniversary Edition. Hyperion Books: New York

Click here for Link for book on Amazon

Series 3
1. Breathscape (20 min)
2. Bodyscape (20 min)
3. Breathscape and Bodyscape – More Silence (20 min)
4. Soundscape (27 min)
5. Mindscape (20 min)
6. Dying Before You Die (30 min)
7. Nowscape (30 min)
8. Walking Meditation (10 min)
9. Heartscape (47 min)
10. Lifescape (12 min)

In his own words, Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced this series as: these Series 3 guided meditations are tools that invite and reward something more than a casual listening. They are designed to be used on a regular basis to help you develop and deepen a daily meditation practice and thus to strengthen the qualities of mindfulness (moment to moment non-judgmental awareness), compassion, including self-compassion, and lovingkindness in every aspect of your life.

Book by John Kabat-Zinn related to Series 3 of JKZ series is: Kabat-Zinn, J. (2006). Coming to Our Senses – Healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness. Hyperion Books: New York

Books for Weekly Supplemental Metaphors in MBSR Train the Trainer Certificate Program

Preamble to Program:  What Do You Do with a Problem? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom: Click here to find on Amazon

Week 1: The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein at:

Week 2: The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper and George Hauman at:


Week 3: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein at:


Week 4: The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson at:


Week 5: The Missing Piece Meets the Big 0 by Shel Silverstein at:

Week 6: Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson at:


Week 7: Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber at:

New Chair Yoga for Zoom Training used in Current 8 Week MBSR-MSC Program

Supplemental Mindful Chair Yoga for use in the 8 Week MBSR-MSC Program

NOTE: give that the majority of the treinees in this MBSR Train the Trainer Program, will be working with people who have some limitations physically. For this reason we strongly recommend that each week one of the following Mindful Chair Yoga Videos be utilized:

Mindful Chair Yoga Practices for MBSR Program (Your choice of which to use each week)


Mindful Chair Yoga: A Brief 15 Minute Beginner's Practice:

Mindful Chair Yoga: A Complete Beginner's Practice (40 minutes):

Mindful Chair Yoga: A 45 Minute Practice:

Mindful Chair Yoga: A Practice for the Legs (30 min):

Mindful Chair Yoga (30 min) Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Thoughts and Feelings:

Mindful Chair Yoga (45 min) Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Thoughts and Feelings:

Mindful Chair Yoga: A Playful Practice (20 min):

Mindful Chair Yoga: A 45 Minute Practice:Through Playfulness