The Impact of Deployment on
Service Members and Their Families
Focus on the Military and their Families
By: James J. Messina, Ph.D.
Background Most current statistics on deployed military from the Defense Manpower Data Center indicate the following percentage make up of those deployed to our current war fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan:
Men = 90% Women = 10%
Married = 53% where with children = 68% and without children = 32% Single = 47% where with children = 13% and without children = 87%.
Major stressors for Military families involved in deployments are:
Frequent moves and separations
Individual augmentees (individually assigned out of their own companies or branch of the military)
Risk of injury and death
Long and unpredictable Foreign residence.
Risk factors for Military families involved in deployments are that many are:
Composed of younger spouses
Composed with younger children
Socially isolated and dependent families
Families undergoing major transitions
Families with multiple needs and problems before deployment
Children with school history of special education
Have children who showed poor coping skills prior to deployment
Families with a history of mental health issues
Families of junior enlisted
Composed of single parents
Composed of foreign-born spouses
Composed of pregnant spouses
Veterans of prior deployments
Composed of dual military roles of both spouse
Newly married
Since the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF-Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF-Irag), over 1.5 million service members have been deployed, and over 33,000 have been severely wounded, suffering battlefield injuries that in previous wars and conflicts would most likely have been fatal (Murdough, 2008). Because of improvements in battlefield medicine, body armor, and medical evacuation, these wounded warriors are surviving. But many will face lifetime challenges, including chronic pain due to the complexity and severity of their wounds. Injuries from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) cause traumatic brain injury (TBI), traumatic amputation (the loss of a body part that occurs as the result of an accident or trauma), multiple fractures, shrapnel wounds, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Murdough, 2007).
Murdough (2007) points out that these injuries often leave the wounded with lifelong consequences, including chronic, disabling pain and the resulting impact on their ability to perform daily activities that were once taken for granted. These injuries can profoundly impact the overall quality of life for an individual and his or her family system. Murdough (2007) alos points out that many times, these individuals are young adults with young families, whose lives are now changed and challenged as they struggle to redefine roles, expectations, and financial responsibilities. The wounded, their families, and their caregivers will require information, resources, and the support of their communities to ensure that these individuals have the necessary means to improve self-care and function and to regain a maximum quality of life after surviving such complex and severe injuries.
Three Component of the Deployment Cycle
With Stressors of:
With Stressors of:
Combat and conflict
With Stressors of:
Return from deployment
Pre-Deployment Maguen, Turcotte, Peterson, Dremsa, Garb, McNally & Litz (2008) found that rates of pre-deployment PTSD symptoms were relatively low and positive emotional health was greater than negative emotional health among the military personnel they studied. However they concluded that military personnel who have other pre-deployment stressors might place them at risk for mental health complications. If military personnel are worried about a variety of stressors at home, then it becomes increasingly more complicated for them to remain focused on their military duties during their deployment. Pre-deployment stressors may create a high baseline of tension, resulting in a ripple effect of stress for military personnel serving in deployed locations.
Common Pre-Deployment Stressors are:
Preparedness – Practical preparation:
Power of attorney/Will/Financial plan
Location of important papers
Emergency contact procedures
Child care arrangements
Emotional preparation:
Other Stressors are:
Lack of Preparation Time
Unit Preparation vs. Family Preparation
Shifting expectations
Length of upcoming deployment
Open-ended deployments
Deployment date
Clarifying changes in family dynamics
Anticipation of threats to service member
Perception of mission purpose
Lack of information
Pre-Deployment stressors on spouses are:
Pre-Deployment stressors for Children are:
Anger Outbursts
Behavioral problems
Pre-Deployment stressors on Adolescents are:
“I don’t care”
Fear of rejection
Denial of feelings
Higher value on friends
During Deployment
Figley & Nash (2007) pointed out that stressors for military service members during deployment include: Operational-heat, dehydration, lack of comforts, desert, noises, fumes, Cognitive-boredom, monotony, unclear role or mission, experiences that defy beliefs, info overload
Emotional-fear of failure, guilt, horror, fear, anxiety, feeling devalued
Social-separation from loved ones, lack of privacy, public opinion and media, Spiritual-change in faith, inability to forgive, and loss of trust.
Felker, Hawkins, Dobie, Gutierrez & McFall (2008) found that soldiers with preexisting and/or serious mental health problems were more likely to present early in a deployment for mental health services, whereas a larger number of new-onset cases might present later.
Some trauma descriptions offered by soldiers and marines included:
Friends burned to death, one killed in blast
A friend was liquefied in the driver’s position on a tank
A huge bomb blew my friends’ head off like 50 meters from me
Marines being buried alive
Seeing, smelling, touching, dead, blown-up people
Tough realities about combat identified by WRAIR Land Combat Study Team included:
Fear in combat is ubiquitous
Unit members will be injured and killed
There will be communication breakdowns
Leadership failures will be perceived
Combat impacts every soldier mentally and emotionally
Combat has lasting mental health effects
Soldiers are afraid to admit that they have a mental health problem
Deployments place a tremendous strain upon families
Combat environment is harsh and demanding
Combat poses moral/ethical challenges
There were and are unique challenges of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) & Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
No “front line”
Highly ambiguous environment - Complex and changing missions – combat, peacekeeping, humanitarian
Long deployments
Repeated deployments
Environment is very harsh – extreme heat; 24 hour operations; constant movement by ground or air; limited down time; crowded uncomfortable living conditions & difficult communications
Hoge et al (2004) report the following statistics about Boots on Ground Troops in Irag:
Percent of On Ground Troops’ Combat Exposure in Iraq
95% Seeing Dead Bodies/Remains
93% Shot at /Receiving Small Arms Fire
89% Being Attacked /Ambushed
86% Receiving Artillery, Rocket, Mortar Fire
86% Knowing Someone Killed/Seriously Injured
80% Clearing/Searching Homes
77% Shooting/Directing Fire at Enemy
69% Could not help Ill or Injured Women or Children
65% Seeing Dead/Seriously Injured Americans
50% Handling/Uncovering Human Remains
48% Responsible for Death of Enemy Combatant
38% Participating in Demining Operations
22% Buddy Shot/Hit Near You
22% Engaged in Hand-to-Hand Combat
21% Saved Soldier/Civilian Life
14% Being Wounded or Injured
14% Responsible for Noncombatant Death
8% Close Call/Hit but Saved by Gear
Common reactions to trauma include:
Fear and anxiety
Intrusive thoughts about the trauma
Nightmares of the trauma
Sleep disturbance
Feeling jumpy and on guard
Concentration difficulties
Avoiding trauma reminders
Feeling numb or detached
Feeling angry, guilty, or ashamed
Grief and depression
Negative image of self and world
The world is dangerous
I am incompetent
People can not be trusted
Hoge, Castro, Messer, McGurk, Cotting & Koffman (2004) found that there was a strong reported relation between combat experiences, such as being shot at, handling dead bodies, knowing someone who was killed, or killing enemy combatants, and the prevalence of PTSD. They also reported that the majority of persons in whom PTSD develops meet the criteria for the diagnosis of this disorder within the first three months after the traumatic event. They finally reported that in the military, there are unique factors that contribute to resistance to seeking mental health services because of the concern about how a soldier will be perceived by peers and by the leadership. Concern about stigma was disproportionately greatest among those most in need of help from mental health services. Soldiers and Marines whose responses were scored as positive for a mental disorder were twice as likely as those whose responses were scored as negative to show concern about being stigmatized and about other barriers to mental health care.
Battlemind skills helped military personnel survive in combat, but may cause them problems if not adapted when they get home
Buddies (cohesion) vs Withdrawal
Accountability vs Controlling
Targeted Aggression vs Inappropriate Aggression
Tactical Awareness vs Hypervigilance
Lethally Armed vs “Locked and Loaded” at Home
Emotional Control vs Anger/Detachment
Mission OPSEC vs Secretiveness
Individual Responsibility vs Guilt
Non-Defensive Driving vs Aggressive Driving
Discipline and Ordering vs Conflict
Financial Stressors of Deployment A harsh reality facing deployed service personnel are the financial stressors such as:
Although most do not experience serious financial difficulties – Potential loss of income offset by supplement which have been challenged in the economic downturn which began in September 2008
Substantial minority does face financial hardships (1) 18% of spouses report serious financial difficulties (2) 29% of spouses report trouble paying bills and (3)1/2 reporting difficulties are from junior enlisted grades
Increased expenses– Supplies for deployed service member such as: Shipping costs; maintaining communication and additional childcare costs
Post Deployment
Rand Corporation’s 2008 Findings
What follows are some key finding of the Rand Corporation (2008) in Invisible Wounds of War in their study of deployed troops from Iraq and Afghanistan once they have returned home to the United States.
Since October 2001, approximately 1.64 million U.S. troops were deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF; Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF; Iraq). The pace of deployments was unprecedented in the history of the all-volunteer force (Belasco, 2007; Bruner, 2006). A higher proportion of armed forces are being deployed and deployments have been longer, redeployment to combat has been common, and breaks between deployments have been infrequent (Hosek, Kavanagh, and Miller, 2006).
OEF and OIF have employed smaller forces and produced lower casualty rates of killed or wounded than Vietnam and Korea. More service members are surviving due to advances in medical technology and body armor (Regan, 2004; Warden, 2006). However, casualties of a different kind have emerged—invisible wounds, such as mental health conditions and cognitive impairments. These deployment experiences may include multiple deployments per individual service member and exposure to difficult threats, such as improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
The following is data from a phone survey of approximately 2000 OEF and OIF veterans who reported experiencing the following:
Rand found that the top three barriers of returning service personnel from getting mental health services were:
Treatment not confidential; could constrain future job assignments and military career advancement
Medications may have unpleasant side effects
Even good mental health care is not effective.
Rand also found that the costs of PTSD, depression, TBI and other psychiatric diagnoses is that returning service personnel:
Risk of attempting suicide
Higher rates of unhealthy behaviors (smoking, overeating, unprotected sex)
Higher rates of physical health problems and mortality
Missed more days of work or less productivity
A relationship to being homeless
Categories of returning service personnel whom Rand found to be most vulnerable to PTSD, depression and other psychiatric diagnoses were:
Service members with identified or unidentified Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)
Service members not on active duty (Reserve Corps, discharged, retired)
Enlisted personnel
More lengthy deployments
More extensive exposure to combat trauma
In summary, the Rand study found that:
About 10-15% of Soldiers develop PTSD after deployment
An additional 10-15% have significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, or PTSD
Alcohol misuse also increases post-deployment
Prevalence varies as a function of deployment experiences
Mental Health problems were often associated with functional impairment, attrition, and physical health problems
One-third of Soldiers use Mental Health services after deployment (includes screening and prevention services)
Perceptions of stigma may be improving. However, many Soldiers don’t seek help, due to stigma and other barrier
Post Deployment Issues: Typical reintegration of Service Personnel returning home to the United States finds that family resilience is the rule and not the exception. Usually, families return to the normal routine. It is common in such families to incorporate changes without major disruption in family functioning.
However, reunions can be stressful because of:
Changed roles/responsibilities
New independence of spouse
Lack of time
Tug on loyalties
Extended family
Health/Mental health problems
Unresolved marital issues haven’t vanished.
The most common stressors facing military personnel on return home are:
Readjustment to marital and family relationships
Lack of time for family reintegration
Couple jealousy and suspicions
Ongoing military stressors
Uncertainty about future retention according to Teitelbaum (WRAIR,1992) who conducted a study with the Army after Operation Desert Storm (ODS).
Charles Figley and William Nash (2007) identified the following stressors which military personnel faced post deployment:
Physical: traffic, crowds, unarmed, access to alcohol
Cognitive: loyalty issues to family vs unit, secrecy vs disclosure, boredom, regrets, thoughts of losses;
Emotional: grief, anger, feeling unsafe, guilt, withdrawal from war “rush,” numbness
Social: separated from buddies, overwhelmed or misunderstood by family, feelings of alienation
Spiritual: asking why buddies died, lack of purpose, changed faith, conflicting values.
In a May 2008 briefing by Colonel Kevin Gerdes stated that the mindset of military personnel during deployment which comes with them home lies at the root of much of the readjustment problems in their reintegration such as:
Stay focused on mission /nothing else matters
Truly life or death / always on the edge
Constant adrenaline “rush”
Black or white / all or nothing
Sense of purpose, invincibility
Only trust battle buddies /others are threat
Need to control environment
Real problems and needs exist in Iraq
Life is now unfocused and complex
No longer on the verge of life or death
What can replace the “high” of war?
Things aren’t clear cut
No sense of purpose, nothing matters
Can’t trust anybody
Can’t be in control of surroundings
Problems at home pale in comparison to those in Iraq & Afghanistan
Military service personnel according to Gerdes (2008) face changes in their families on their return home. These changes include: new routines in the family; new responsibilities given to the family members; more independence and confidence of the family members; many family members made many sacrifices during the time of deployment; many family members felt worried or lonely and many family members had gone through milestones which the service members missed.
Gerdes (2008) points out that service members when they return home unintentionally could impact their families by: interrupting their routines; disrupting their space; throw off the family’s decision making; cause the family to walk on tip toes; not make everything perfect immediately after their return and not replace the sacrifices and missed milestones of family members.
Tbere are special stressors personnel in National Guard and Reserve Units such as:
Return to civilian life
Job may no longer be available
May experience a reduction in income
Transition of health care or loss of health coverage
Loss of unit/military support system for the family
Lack of follow up/observation by unit commanders to assess needs.
Post Deployment Impact on the Children in Military Families Doug Lehman in a May 2008 briefing identified the following stressors experienced by children when their parents return from deployment. They could be any or all of the following: afraid or avoiding of returning parent; want attention; clingy; angry; need reassurance; attempt to split parents; desire recognition; are filled with joy and/or excitement.
Lehman (2008) identified the following stressors of adolescents when their parents return from deployment. Adolescents could have any or all of the following: spend more time with friends; have school problems; exhibit behavioral problems; have a sense of relief; show defiance; exhibit resentment; are avoidant or withdrawn.
Impact on Spouses Post Deployment The Center for Deployment Psychology (2007) suggest that spouses on their reintegration post deployment:
Recognize that readjustment stress is commo
Listen to each other’s stories and be curious
Recognize that experiences have changed both partners
Discover new family strengths
Negotiate a new balance, roles, and routine
Make sure each spouse has space
Don’t play “one-up” games about deployment
Build common interests again
Go slow
Don’t drill the other if there are concerns regarding an affair
Don’t plan sudden romantic getaways
Both spouses may feel unneeded, unwanted - discuss changes and gradually develop solutions
Expect children to test limits
Be flexible and patient
Communicate respect
Plan for the future together
Complement each other more
Be willing to apologize
Take time outs when things feel out of control.
Healing Families Post Deployment
Armstrong, Best & Domenici (2006) suggest that parents on their reintegration post deployment:
Spend one-on-one time with each child
Be giving of time and energy
Allow child to also have space
Listen and accept child’s feelings
Be realistic and flexible
Avoid excess gift giving
Don’t get upset if child has reactions to you
Don’t give into demands of guilt
Express specific concerns and offer to help but don’t push
Become an expert in available resources
Have honest discussion about financial situation
Use connections made during deployment to develop strategies to help transition
Give your child a chance to talk about war experiences
Have a battle buddy talk to your child.
Follow up on Mental Health of Service Members Post Deployment
In a study of service personnel who had spent a year in OIF and given a mental health screening three to four months post deployment, (57.5%) exceeded criteria on the screening survey as experiencing PTSD and other mental illness related issues (Wright, Adler, Bliese & Eckford, 2008).
Gahm & Lucenko (2008) pointed out that a recent analysis of VA patient records indicated that possible mental disorders were reported for 26% of veterans who experienced combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also report that active duty soldiers, particularly those who experienced combat, are at increased risk of mental health difficulties, particularly posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. Mental disorders have been shown to be a primary source of disability and separation from the military, with a reported 6-month attrition rate of 45% for those hospitalized for mental health diagnoses.
Hoge, Terhakopian, Castro, Messer, & Engel (2007) found that PTSD among veterans of the OEF and OIF was significantly associated with lower ratings of general health, more sick call visits, more missed workdays, more physical symptoms, and high somatic symptom severity. Resnick & Rosenheck (2008) reported that individuals with substance use diagnoses or who were homeless at program entry for treatment with PTSD were more likely to be employed at discharge, while receipt of public support income and severe mental illness decreased the likelihood of being competitively employed. Their research suggested that PTSD is a significant obstacle to employment. Friedman (2006) strongly encouraged that treatment for PTSD should be initiated as soon as possible, not only to ameliorate PTSD symptoms but also to forestall the later development of additional psychiatric and/or medical disorders and to prevent interpersonal or vocational functional impairment.
Veterans who come home from OEF and OIF with injuries are more prone to delayed PTSD according to Grieger, Cozza, Ursano, Hoge, Martinez, Engel (2006). The course of illness in battle-injured soldiers is complex, and the initial assessments in their study were not predictive of the health or the life impact of such injuries 6 months later. The findings of their study suggest that severity of physical problems shortly after the injury may be of value in predicting persistence or later onset of PTSD and depression in severely injured patients. This is important information for families with returning family members who have been injured in combat.
Vasterling, Schumm, Proctor, Gentry, King & King, (2008) found that PTSD symptoms exerted some impact on health related functioning in a population not otherwise at heightened risk for diminished health status who were young veterans from OIF. Their study also identified the benefits of early mental and physical health screening in both primary care and mental health settings, even among seemingly healthy, newly returning veterans. Their findings also indicated the need for early mental health interventions to consider health symptoms and functional impact. Such outcomes as quality of life, psychosocial relationships, and occupational functioning they believe are equally important as intervention targets to more traditional symptom relief.
Santos, Russo, Aisenberg, Uehara, Ghesquiere & Zatzick (2008) have recommended that treatment for people of diverse race and cultures with PTSD and related other mental health issues need clinical services integrating bilingual, bicultural care managers and addressing the spectrum of post-injury linguistic, medical, and mental health needs.
Traumatic Bain Injury (TBI) Hoge, McGurk, Thomas, Cox, Engel & Castro (2008) identified that concern has emerged about the possible long-term effect of mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion, characterized by brief loss of consciousness or altered mental status, as a result of deployment-related head injuries, particularly those resulting from proximity to blast explosions. Traumatic brain injury has been labeled a signature injury of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers who reported mild traumatic brain injuries were significantly more likely to report high combat intensity, a blast mechanism of injury, more than one exposure to an explosion, and hospitalization during deployment. PTSD was strongly associated with mild traumatic brain injury. More than 40% of soldiers with injuries associated with loss of consciousness met the criteria for PTSD. Soldiers with mild traumatic brain injury reported significantly higher rates of physical and mental health problems than did soldiers with other injuries. Injuries associated with loss of consciousness carried a much greater risk of health problems than did injuries associated with altered mental status.
Kennedy, Jaffee, Leskin, Stokes, Leal & Fitzpatrick (2007) pointed out that the biological and psychological risk factors for PTSD theoretically occur during traumatic events in which TBI is experienced. These factors can be exacerbated by TBI, leading to the documented increase in PTSD rates following TBI. A relevant finding of Kennedy et al was that there is a challenge in treating TBI and/or PTSD to achieve and modulate a changing balance between supportive care (including financial assistance) and the positive expectation of, and pressure toward, maximum recovery of function and independence. This becomes a real issue for families of service personnel with these conditions to motivate their family members to get the most they can get out of their rehabilitation services so that they can regain their prior war time functioning.
Overcoming the Stigma of Gaining Mental Health Services A major issue confronting families of returning military personnel who are experiencing severe mental health issues including PTSD is the over coming of their family member’s fear of stigma for seeking out help. Greene-Shortridge Britt & Castro (2007) report that within a military context, service members experiencing symptoms of PTSD and considering admitting they have a problem to someone else will likely be aware of public beliefs about psychological problems, perhaps anticipating negative consequences from different individuals (e.g., fellow service members, commanders). If soldiers fear social exclusion because they have symptoms of PTSD, they may forgo seeking help due to apprehension about societal stigma. Furthermore, soldiers' perceptions of society holding them accountable for their psychological problems may further inhibit treatment seeking. If the soldier comes to personally endorse the negative beliefs and attributions held by the public, he or she will experience a stronger sense of self-stigma and not be willing to seek out help.
Friedman (2005) reported that a possible explanation is that returning troops now perceive a great difference between disclosing PTSD symptoms to VA clinicians and disclosing them to military mental health professionals. Whereas there is still little stigma associated with such a disclosure within VA settings, there are perceived risks within the military setting - and a resultant reluctance to seek treatment. Yet times have changed dramatically since the post-Vietnam era, and military clinicians are eager to assist uniformed personnel whose functional capacity is affected by PTSD. All troops currently receive health assessments before and after deployment to facilitate the early identification and treatment of PTSD. In January 2005 military mental health policy was modified with the addition of a third health assessment three to six months after troops return from Iraq. Although the battle against this stigma is far from over, it is encouraging that the Pentagon recognizes its importance.
Suicide Rates in Army Update On July 28, 2010, the US Army release a major report called: Army: Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention Report 2010.
The report can be read at: Press Release Site
The intent of the report was to inform and educate Army leaders on the importance of recognizing and reducing high risk behavior related to suicide and accidental death, and reducing the stigma associated with behavioral health and treatment.
The major findings of the report related to the impact of Deployment on the Military and their Families are:
an increase in indicators of high risk behavior including illicit drug use, other crimes and suicide attempts
lapses in surveillance and detection of high risk behavior an increased use of prescription antidepressants, amphetamines and narcotics
degraded accountability of disciplinary, administrative and reporting processes
the continued high rate of suicides, high risk related deaths and other adverse outcomes.
In his introduction to the Report, General Peter W. Chiarelli stated: "In Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 we had 160 active duty suicide deaths, with 239 across the total Army (including Reserve Component). Additionally, there were 146 active duty deaths related to high risk behavior including 74 drug overdoses. This is tragic! Perhaps even more worrying is the fact we had 1,713 known attempted suicides in the same period. The difference between these suicide attempts and another Soldier death often was measured only by the timeliness of life-saving leader/buddy and medical interventions. Some form of high risk behavior (self-harm, illicit drug use, binge drinking, criminal activity, etc.) was a factor in most of these deaths. When we examined the circumstances behind these deaths, we discovered a direct link to increased life stressors and increased risk behavior. For some, the rigors of service, repeated deployments, injuries and separations from Family resulted in a sense of isolation, hopelessness and life fatigue."
This report is an important reminder that it is important for all of us to be supportive to any member of the military and their families to provide the emotional and social supports systems to help them handle the stressors of today's deployment enviroment in a healthy way.
For more backgroup please read the report!
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