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Online Psychopharmacology Resources

Psychopharmacology 101

For Non-prescribing

Mental Health Professionals -

A Training Resource

By Jim Messina, Ph.D., CCMHC, NCC, DCMHS-T

Psychopharmacology Online Resources:

American Academy of Family Physicians medical data base for treatment and medication Source of Prescription Drug Information on Side Effects and Interactions originally intended for nurses provide coverage good coverage on medications


eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base - Online Medical Journals, Textbooks, and Physician Reference Articles -Best online resource of medical direction for DSM IV-TR diagnosed cases. Once you get on eMedicine it changes name to Medscape. Read More:Medscape The most comprehensive coverage of all psychiatric conditions including the evidenced based practices as well as the most uptodate coverage of the psychopharmacological treatment of these conditions. To be able to download the complete Medscape program you first must enroll with Medscape at: when you sign up and register you then can download this information to any Iphone, Ipad, or smartphone. You can get the Medscape ap at the Apple Store's Ap site at: Mental Health Communities providing comprehensive information on psychological disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view.


MedlinePlus Health Information from the National Library of Medicine excellent source of information on Medications


Merck Pharmaceutical website 


Psychiatric Disorders: Merck Manual Professional good source of information on the diagnoses, psychopharmacological treatment and Evidence Base Practices for treating these diagnoses


PDRHealth drug information in plain English based on the FDA-approved drug information contained in the published PDR


Psychopharmacology Bulletin 


Psychopharmacology from Northern Baltimore Medical Associates


Psychopharmacology Tips 


RxList The Internet Drug Index: Source of Prescription Drug Information on Side Effects and Interactions


Search the FDA Website The search engine for the Federal Drug Administration: source for most updated information on a medication

WebMD a professional website with material related to eMedicine.

Health and Medical Information produced by doctors - Consumer oriented site for information on psychiatric disorders and symptoms created by the doctors from WebMD




Anti-Anxiety Medications:

  • The Anxiety Community a source to compare the various medications currently prescribed for anxiety disorders