Turning negative acting-out behavior into positive potential
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Reliance on peers
Positive Potential: They can be helped to see that they are capable of being “real leaders” if correctly channeled. They have an ability to interact freely in a variety of social settings
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Acting out
Positive Potential: They are capable of being healthy “risk takers” if correctly channeled.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Defiance
Positive Potential: They are capable of seeing the “truth” or “reality” in a “corrupt” or “sick” system, e.g., family, school, job, or community organization. They can speak the truth, which others often do not want to hear.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Rebellious
Positive Potential: They challenge the status quo! They ask questions others are unwilling to ask or to face. They can help others to analyze the propriety of rules, customs, rights, and habits.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Withdrawn
Positive Potential: They are capable of pulling themselves out of a “sick” situation so as not to be caught up in the disease themselves. They are capable of ignoring the games that keep people down in a system.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Mischief making
Positive Potential: They are capable of initiating lots of “fun” or stress-reducing activities for the system, which have a unique form and involve imagination and creativity.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Sullen
Positive Potential: Having experienced rejection, hurt, and pain, if channeled they can be sensitive to those who suffer similarly today. They can become excellent helpers due to their ability to tune into and be sensitive to others.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Argumentative and rationalizer
Positive Potential: They can be helped to channel their verbal prowess so as to be effective logisticians or debaters. They have good potential for being courtroom performers.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Irresponsible
Positive Potential: They need help recognizing that their behavior is a part of a compulsive pattern in a delusional system. Much of what appears to be irresponsible is a cry for help, which can result in the family system getting help for itself.
Negative Acting-out Behavior: Nonproductive
Positive Potential: If channeled appropriately they can become a “change agent” in family, school, job, or community, due to their sharp awareness of inequality and injustice. With help, they can use their willingness to speak out as catalysts for real changes for good in such systems.