Visualization #1: The Precious Present
As I calm myself down, I am finding a comfortable place. Perhaps in the woods; near a bubbling creek; on the shore of the ocean; a favorite place where I come to rest to experience my precious moment.
I calm myself down as I sit in my special place. I look into my own heart. I see in my heart an inner peace, an inner me, an inner child. I see that little me with whom I too often forget to get in contact. I look into the eyes of my inner child and I feel relaxed, calm and at peace because I know that inner child is me. I wrap my arms around the inner me to get calm and relaxed as we begin to experience this precious moment. As we sit together in my special place we feel surrounding us an encompassing warmth and caring of my Higher Power. This Power is there for me when I need it to provide the healing graces when I am feeling depressed, alone, forgotten, or abandoned.
I experience this precious present of inner peace with my inner child, my adult me, and my Higher Power. I have let go of the past. I no longer fear the future but only experience this precious, precious present. I begin to inform my inner peace, my inner child, that inner me, of the following:
Accept me as I am. Do not change me. Do not condemn me. Do not put me down. Accept me for what I am. Accept me for I am total in being. I have thoughts, and I have guilt. But this, this is who I am. Perfect? Perfect, no way will I ever be perfect. Perfect, I will never be. Allow me to be uninhibited, to be free to experience life to its fullest. Help me experience this current moment that is special. Allow me to let go of the past and to not fear the future. Do not pressure me into feeling what I do not feel.
Do not put me down nor make me feel unhappy about me. I am special, and I like being what I am. Me.
I like my abilities. I really like all of those good, sincere attributes I am willing to admit to myself. I like the competencies that I have been showing myself and others of late. I like the way I am handling crises in my life. I enjoy the challenge of trying to stay with myself in the precious present. I appreciate the way I am handling all of the tribulations, the pressures, anxiety, and tension in my life. I appreciate that I am trying to help me work on my recovery. I appreciate that I am willing to tell myself these positive things about myself that I have for too long forgotten and not believed.
I thank myself for doing positive self-talk work. As I looked into the mirror this morning, I saw that I had beautiful hair and I loved that hair. And I loved those eyes. Give me the strength and the power to look at me. My eyes look beyond the surface beauty and into the inner beauty of myself and of every moment in which I live.
I love myself for the ears that I possess. They give me a power to listen, to hear, to open my heart to the inner messages that for too long have been locked up inside of my inner me. And I love those ears for what they hear and what they give me the ability to do.
I love my face which is the mirror that I give to the world. I love the face that I show others in a sincere and honest way. I love that face because it is what people first see of me and makes me uniquely me.
I love my neck which connects that wonderful head of mine to the rest of my body. My neck is the channel between my brain and the rest of me. It is that neck which is the strong connecting piece between my mind and my heart. It is an important part of me which I too often ignore. I appreciate it and I will adorn it at times to remind myself of how wonderful it is for me.
I love the central trunk of my body which is the possessor of my heart and of my lungs and of all my vital organs. And I love that it is so complex that I will never understand it fully in my lifetime.
I love my arms that help me reach out to others and bring others to me. My arms give me the ability to hug myself, to let me know that I am real.
I appreciate and love my hands which give me the sensation of feeling the world in which I live.
I love my legs because they give me the mobility to move me into the exciting places of my life. They give me the opportunity to go and to see the rest of the world and to interact with others.
I love my feet because they are the powerful tool that helps me become grounded in my life. They are the tool by which I know I am alive because I feel the earth on which I stand.
I love all of me and all of my body. I promise you that I will spend each day letting you know how much I love you. I will be true and honest to you when I see there is a need to change.
I love you, my inner child, my inner me, my inner consciousness, just for who you are. Not for who I want you to be, because you are my precious present. You make me real. You make me experience the here and now with all of its beauty and strength. I promise you that I will be there for you in the present whenever you need me. And I hope you promise me that you will be there for me when I need you. For I will present you parts of myself slowly and, if you are patient and tender, I will open my feelings that mostly stay closed. I will bring out those places, people, and things, sounds and smells, loves and frustrations, hopes and sadness, that have too long been hidden inside of me. I will share with you, my inner child, my inner me, the secrets of who I am so you can have a better understanding of what it is that I need when I call upon you.
Be there for me as I will be there for you. Be a link with me to our friend, our Higher Power, who embraces us at this precious moment and gives me the strength to talk to you in this loving and caring way. I promise you when I feel ill at ease, when I feel depressed and lost, when I feel hopeless and ready to give up that I will calm my inner spirit. I will have a healing of the heart. I will inform you of your goodness so that we both grow in mutual, unconditional love. We will direct ourselves to be ever present to ourselves in the precious present so that we can get the most out of our life and not lose it in the hurt of the past or in the fears of the future.
Inner child, you may have felt lonely, abandoned and forgotten at times. From now on you need to know that I will always try to be there for you. From now on when I feel lonely, abandoned, isolated and forgotten, the thought of you being there in my heart will heal me. Together when we feel alone, forgotten and abandoned we can jointly remind each other that there is a power greater than us that is always there for us if we search deeply into our hearts for it to help us heal.
I promise you, my inner child, that I am ready to take risks. I am ready to trust you and myself so that the two of us can feel more secure in the precious present. By being vulnerable to one another, we will be able to grow in mutual love and acceptance. There is no need for either of us to feel alone or abandoned in the future for we will nurture one another. This I promise you this day.
As I have calmed myself, healed my spirit and informed myself of positive self-talk, I have grown in love for myself in an unconditional way. I direct myself to be my own source of strength and hope for the struggles that become overwhelming as I face each day. I make a commitment to that inner child that I am holding and to the adult that the Higher Power is holding that we will work on reconnecting on a regular basis with our Higher Power for the spiritual strength we need in our recovery process.
I relax myself and begin to prepare myself to return to the real world. I begin to prepare myself to enter again that precious present of the real world where my inner child is never seen and where my Higher Power is often forgotten. I prepare for this real world, however, with a response of hope and inner healing that I can make it because I believe in myself.
I begin to say: I am capable. I am loveable. I believe in me. Ever growing in me. Self-accepting me. Taking risks with me. Forgiving me. And respecting me. Willing to share interesting and fun times alone. Expecting goodness only from me. While nurturing me with unconditional love from me. And I acknowledge my visibility to myself. I let go and heal as I become my own best friend. I grow in friendship with my inner child, and the two of us can be best friends.
So I begin to take leave now. Say good-bye to my inner child for the moment as I let go of the embrace of my Higher Power and return from the comfortable place. I begin to prepare myself for re-entry into my everyday world.
In counting backwards from Five: I begin to say to myself no more criticism. No more condemnation. Four: Less hostility, less fighting. Three: Less ridiculing and less shyness. Two: Less shame and less guilt. One: More tolerance and patience for myself. As I experience the precious present now and forever.
Note: For help in forming this visualization read: The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson. New York, Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1984.