Helping you become all that you are capable of becoming!



O    Organize

O    Organize
Chapter 5
I AM A GOOD STUDENT Study Skills Program
By: Constance M. Messina, Ph.D.


This section stresses the ORGANIZATION of the child's environment - desk, lockers, room, schedules, assignments and study time. "It's not how long you sit with your books - it's what you do while you're sitting." Study times need to be organized so that there is time for PREVIEW and REVIEW (See USE) techniques. Such activities force the brain into instant replay - the brain is dealing again with the information it dealt with previously, thus breaking the cycle of forgetting. Unless you deal with new information within twenty-four hours of the initial exposure, you are probably going to forget that material.



A Message to Parents and Teachers about Time.

As you work with your children on this section about organizing themselves, you are going to be focusing a lot on time. It is important for you to take time to consider this "Gem" which was found on the "internet-story-sharing-line."


There is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400.

It carries over no balance from day to day.

Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance

you failed to use during the day.

What would you do? Draw out ALL OF IT, of course!!!!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME.

Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.

Every night it writes off, as lost,

whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose.

It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.

Each day it opens a new account for you.

Each night it burns the remains of the day. There is no going back.

There is no drawing against the "tomorrow."

You must live in the present on today's deposits.

Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!

The clock is running. Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR,

ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH,

ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK,

ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR,

ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,

ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE-SECOND,

ask a person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND,

ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have!

And treasure it more because you shared it

with someone special, special enough to spend your time.

And remember that time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!!!

About Organizing
To learn, organization must be present. This organization is evident in students' materials, time usage and their environment. Knowledge about studying is of no avail if materials are lost or there is little time planned for homework or the organization of the youngster's environment is not conducive to learning. The organization of notebooks, assignment books, lockers and desks are dealt with in this section. A part of every scheduled homework session should include time for PREVIEW and REVIEW
  • PREVIEW refers to the ability to look at the materials that is going to be taught the next day. This procedure gives students the opportunity to pre-learn some aspects of the next day's lesson, thereby enabling them to listen better.
  • REVIEW means to go over in your mind all the things that happened in that particular class. Designate a section in your notebook for each subject to date and list the activities of that day for that particular subject. 


It is important that students keep their desks organized. An organized desk is pleasing to the eye and it is also functional. Items are not lost and can be easily located. Papers are stored in folders or sections of a notebook. Books are stacked neatly and flat with the titles facing out. Pencils, glue, pens and other small items are stored in a small box.


Books should be placed in the lockers standing up-right with their titles facing out with small books in the middle. If possible place those books needed for morning classes on one side of the locker and books needed for afternoon classes on the other side. Commercial frames and shelves specifically designed for lockers may be used. Boxes to store loose items such as pens, pencils, gym shoes and trash will add to the organization of a locker.


The following materials will enable students to maintain an organized system for their notebook.

1. A sturdy three-ring notebook.

2. Some form of identification - a label with your name, address, phone number, school and home room teacher.

3. A heavy clip on the front cover to hold homework and papers to be signed by parents.

4. A plastic zipper bag for pens and pencils.

5. A calendar the size of notebook paper.

6. A class schedule.

7. Two sets of dividers for each subject so that each specific subject can have a daily work section and a test section.

8. Assignment sheets or an assignment calendar.

9. Paper.

10. A holding or pocket folder.

11. A notebook Atlas.

12. A notebook dictionary.

This notebook should be with the student at all times and should be carried home. All papers should be placed in their respective sections and should follow chronological order.


Students should maintain an assignment calendar. All assignments should be entered on the date that they are due. Special events are also added. Extracurricular activities such as sports, band, dance and recreational activities are also to be recorded. Each day before the students leave school, they should check their assignment calendar to determine what their assignments are and what books need to go home.


1. Discuss the techniques used to maintain an organized desk, locker, notebook and assignment calendar. Demonstrate and have the children do the same.


2. Have the school bookstore stock items needed to enhance organizational skills such as notebooks, plastic pouches, dividers, calendars, etc


3. Have weekly desk, locker and notebook checks using the checklists provided in the worksheet section.


4. Provide reinforcement and feedback to those students who are maintaining an organized desk, notebook and locker.


5. Designate a specific day for notebook, desk and locker check and provide a "reward" for properly organized materials.


6. Maintain a large class assignment calendar with assignments and special events listed.

7. Plan at the end of each day to have a homework planning time to allow students to check their assignment calendars to determine what books need to go home.


8. Begin each school day with a listing of the days events, the subjects to be covered and what the students may expect to happen that day.


9. Involve the students in reviewing learned materials through the use of cooperative learning. Have the children discuss in preset groups or spontaneous groups what was learned the previous day and who may need some reinforcement.

Worksheet #1: Calendar & Notebook Checklist


Name:                                                Date:

For each of the following organizing tools you have to work with check and answer if the following items are updated and meet the requirements for you to be fully organized to accomplish your “in school” and homework assignments.


YES  NO  1. Notebook in class.


YES  NO  2. Papers filed correctly. 


YES  NO  3. Extra paper; in notebook. 


YES  NO  4. Materials in pouch.


YES  NO  5. Calendar in notebook 


YES  NO  6. Assignments recorded 


YES  NO  7. (other details)


YES  NO  8. (other details)


YES  NO  9. (other details)


YES  NO  10. (other details)

Worksheet #2: Locker & Desk Checklist


Name:                                                Date:

To insure you are organized at school to accomplish your work as well as you can review the following checklists for your locker and desk



YES  NO  1. No loose papers 


YES  NO  2. Books stacked appropriately 


YES  NO  3. Extra paper in folder 


YES  NO  4. (other details)


YES  NO  5. (other details)


YES  NO  6. (other details)



YES  NO  1. No loose papers 


YES  NO  2. Books stacked neatly 


YES  NO  3. Books flat 


YES  NO  4. Small items in boxes 


YES  NO  5. (other details)


YES  NO  6. (other details)

Worksheet #3: Weekly Calendar


Name:                                                          Date:

Use this weekly calendar to schedule when your homework assignments are due and the times you will work on them at home. Also put in the schedule of your in class tests and times you will study for them.



























































Worksheet #4: Assignment Calendar

Name:                                                                                          Date:

Fill your weekly assignments on this calendar and keep track when they are due and when you have completed them at home and finally when you have handed them in to your teacher at school.





Handed in
































