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Motivational Interviewing Training Videos

Motivational Interviewing - A Training Resource
By Jim Messina

A Helping Truism:

How many helpers does it take to change a light bulb?

Just one, but the light bulb has to want to be changed.

Hearing from the Founders of Motivational Interviewing

William Miller:

Columbia University-Teachers College. (2009). Dr William Miller: Motivational Interviewing: Facilitating Change Across Boundaries. At: (2012). William-Miller-on-motivational-interviewing. At:


University of Chicago. (2014).  William R. Miller on Motivational Interviewing and Quantum Change. At:


Stephen Rollnick:

Centre for Motivation and Change. (2014). Stephen Rollnick: The Changing Face of MI. At:


NMH-Ken McMaster (2013). Stephen Rollnick: Motivational Interviewing. At:


BMJ Learning (2014). Stephen Rollnick: Motivational interviewing in brief consultations: role-play focusing on engaging. At:

Overview of Motivational Interviewing


Bill Matulich. (2013), Introduction to Motivational Interviewing. At:


Bill Matulich. (2012), Motivational Interviewing Decisional Balance to Elicit “Change Talk.” At:


cirSEIU (2012). Dr. Jonathan Fader Demonstrates Motivational Interviewing Skills. At:


HMA-Ken McMaster (2012). Motivational Interviewing - An M.I. Learning Resource: The first 15 minutes. At:


Portico Network (2014). Five Essential Strategies in Motivating Clients to Change. At:

MIMH (2010) Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change.  At:


Cleveland Clinic. (2013). Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care at:


Cleveland Clinic. (2014). Cleveland Clinic's Empathy Series Continues -- Patients: Afraid and Vulnerable at:

Motivational Interviewing Strategies with Specific Issues


(Obesity) Health Team Work. (2009). Motivational Interviewing: Evoking Commitment to Change. At:


(Obesity) Mark Smith. (2012). Motivational Interviewing: Obesity (Correct). At:


(Depression) Advanced Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians. (2013). Advanced Motivational Interviewing: Depression. At:


(Smoking Cessation) Advanced Motivational Interviewing for Clinicians. (2013). Advanced Motivational Interviewing: Smoking Cessation. At:


(Smoking) CAMH Teachproject (2014). Dr. Marilyn Herie - MI Skills - Tobacco Cessation - Angry Client. At:


(Comorbid Mental Health Conditions) Health Sciences Institute. (2011). Motivational Interviewing (MI) Overview. Applications of Motivational Interviewing (MI) with Comorbid Mental Health Conditions: An Interactive Case Study. At:


(Heavy Drinking) Brett Engle. (2012). Motivational Interview with "Resistant" Heavy Drinker. At:


(Stop Drinking) Kelly Case (2014) Motivational Interviewing Demonstration at:


(Post Incarceration) HMA-Ken McMaster (2013).  Motivational interviewing: Ken interviews Daryl. At:

Demonstration of Specific issues involved in MI


Cleveland Clinic. (2013). Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care at:


Cleveland Clinic. (2014). Cleveland Clinic's Empathy Series Continues -- Patients: Afraid and Vulnerable at:


Developing Discrepancy

Michigan Department of Community Health Wise Women (2009). Developing Discrepancy 

Part 1. At:


Michigan Department of Community Health Wise Women (2009). Developing Discrepancy 

Part 2. At:

Michigan Department of Community Health Wise Women (2009). Developing Discrepancy

Part 3: At:

Addressing Resistance

Shane Satterfield (2012). Motivational Interviewing: Addressing Resistance. At:




Stop Drinking Demonstration of Effective vs Ineffective Interface with Patient

1. Alan Lyme. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: A Bad Example. At:


2. Alan Lyme. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: A Good Example. At:


Stop Smoking Demonstration of Effective vs Ineffective Interface with Patient

1. University of Florida Department of Psychiatry. (2009). The Ineffective Physician: Non-Motivational Approach at:


2. University of Florida Department of Psychiatry. (2009). The Effective Physician: Motivational Interviewing Demonstration at:


Stop Smoking Demonstraton of Incorrect vs Correct Approach

1. Mark Smith. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: Smoking Cessation (Incorrect). At:


2. Mark Smith. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: Smoking Cessation (Correct) At:


Asthma How To and Not to Do MI

1. CAMH Teachproject (2012). Motivational Interviewing: A conversation with "Sal" about managing his asthma.


2. CAMH Teachproject (2012). How NOT to do Motivational Interviewing: A conversation with "Sal" about managing his asthma.

Video Demonstrations of Integrated Medicine Procedures

1. Warm Handoff - Motivational Interviewing: The Primary Care Physician (PCP) using a warm handoff to a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC who is a Mental Health Worker) when there is a concern about the behavioral health of a patient. When the PCP meets with the patient the PCP uses Motivational Interviewing to engage the patient’s cooperation and willingness to participate in meeting the BHC, to put a plan into action. The steps of the Motivational Interview are:

  1. Use reflective listening: The PCP seeks to understand the patient’s idea about the issue for which a handoff from the PCP will be made to the BHC. The PCP in this step then offers a recap of the patient’s ideas so as to confirm an understanding of the ideas offered.
  2. Ask permission: The PCP asks the patient if he/she is open to talking with the Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC).
  3. Ask open-ended questions: When the BHC meets the patient, the BHC avoids asking questions with yes or no answers to engage the patient in conversation on the issues for which the handoff has been made.
  4. Enhance motivation: The BHC elicits talk from the patient about change and the patient’s desire, ability, reason and need to change.
  5. Determine patient’s readiness: The BHC determines the patient’s stage of readiness for change.
  6. Negotiate a plan: The BHC negotiates a plan with the patient based on what steps he/she is ready to take.

Video available at:

2. Warm Handoff – Anxiety: The Primary Care Physician (PCP) using a warm handoff to a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC who is a Mental Health Worker) when there is a concern about anxiety as the behavioral health issue of a patient. When the PCP meets with the patient the PCP uses Motivational Interviewing to engage the patient’s cooperation and willingness to participate in meeting the BHC, to put a plan into action to address the anxiety. The steps of the Motivational Interview are:

  1. Define Integrated Healthcare: The PCP explains to the patient how primary health and behavioral health work together
  2. Ask permission: The PCP asks the patient if he/she is open to talking with a BCH.
  3. Team communication: The Primary Care and BHC consult together about the patient
  4. Build rapport: The BCH forges a nonjudgmental connection with the patient
  5. Raise the subject: The BHC explains the role of BHC, introduces the process and asks permission to have a discussion about the anxiety issues which the patient is experiencing
  6. Reflect on change: The BHC summarizes what has been discussed with the patient about the anxiety related issues.
  7. Establish next steps: The BHC assists the patient with scheduling a follow-up appointment.

Video available at:

3. Brief Intervention: SBIRT: Screening Brief Intervention Referral to Treatment is an evidence based intervention which can be used within Primary Care Setting to assist patients to address their problematic substance abuse issues.

SBIRT involves the following steps:

  1. Build rapport: The staff person (usually a Behavioral Health Consultant-BHC) forges a nonjudgmental connection with the patient.
  2. Raise the subject: The BHC explains the role, the process and asks for permission to have discussion about the substance/alcohol use.
  3. Provide feedback: The BHC share pertinent information and elicits patient feedback.
  4. Enhance motivation: The BHC uses reflections and other tools to increase a patient’s readiness to address and change health behaviors.
  5. Negotiate a plan: The BHC negotiates a goal with the patient based on what steps she/he is ready to take

Video available at:

4. Morning Huddle: The staff of an Integrated Primary Care Center have brief morning meetings to go over their list of patients and their specific needs which the team can address when the patients come in that day:

There is no set formula for Morning Huddles, so they can be adapted by each team for the steps that work for them.

The steps involved in such huddles are:

  1. Conducting check-in: This is a motivational building activity of checking in with the members of the team to build morale
  2. Reflect on the week: This gives the team a chance to discuss any successes or challenges their patients gave them over the past week
  3. Overview of patients: The staff reviews patients’ physical health, behavioral health and any high risk issues.
  4. Agree upon tasks and integrated activities: The team members decide on the day’s consultations and warm handoffs.
  5. Agree upon follow-up and communication: The team members make a plan of action items.

Video available at:

Series on Motivational Interviewing in Medical Settings by Health Sciences Institute (2009)


Why is brief motivational interviewing the foundation for patient-centered, effective care? at:


How can clinicians use Motivational Interviewing to target patient goals and counteract resistance? At:


Motivational Interviewing, what approach works for engaging and supporting patients in change? At:


How can clinicians use Motivational Interviewing and the RULE framework to support patient change? At:


How can organizations support the paradigm shift to real patient-centered care? At:

Series on MI from Heart Foundation Australia (2012) On Use of MI with Cardiac Patients


1. Motivational Interviewing: Introduction. At:


2. Motivational Interviewing: Setting the scene. At:


3. Motivational Interviewing: The spirit and principles. At:


4. Motivational interviewing: Clients arguing for change - Introducing DARN-CAT. At:


5. Motivational Interviewing: Core clinician skills - Introducing OARS. At:


6. Motivational Interviewing: Recommendations and Conclusion. At: