1. Bring all of the necessary materials.
2. Get to school or your specific class on time.
3. Come into class quietly and go to your desk.
4. Get the needed materials and supplies ready for the first activity.
1. Follow the rules of the classroom.
2. Listen carefully. Look at your teachers and think about what they are saying.
3. Work during the class and try to complete your class assignments.
4. Ask for help and listen to the answers.
1. Take it easy right after school.
2. Do your homework at your regularly scheduled time.
3. Get started.
4. Set up your study plan for the night.
5. Open your notebook to each class in order. Check for assignments due. Use PREVIEW and REVIEW techniques. (See USE in this book)
6. Take a short break.
7. Do easier subjects first and then move on to something harder.
8. Check off completed assignments.
9. Make special plans for projects and reports.
10. Get ready for the next day.
1. Have school rules and procedures listed on the board or bulletin board. Review them on a regular basis. Catch children following the proper procedures.
2. Use the checklist of the listed procedures and routines.
3. Keep daily schedules.
4. Keep weekly schedules. Use a wall calendar.
5. Keep monthly calendars.
6. Plan an effective study environment using both a verbal presentation and an artistic one.
7. Have a weekly folder check to see if procedures are being followed.
8. At the Kindergarten and First Grade levels, set a routine and shorten periods of focused attention.
9. Provide two folders for the youngsters - one designated as a HOME folder and the other designated as a CLASS folder. This will enable the students to have a specific place for each type of work to be located and a means to show parents their daily work.
10. Construct for the children "private offices." These can be made by taping three sheets of firm tagboard and/or cardboard box strips together to provide the children with an environment at their desks free from other children's distractions.