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Unit 6 Resources for Suicide Intervention

Suicide Intervention and Prevention Strategies - 

A Training Resource

By: Jim Messina

Major Websites for Information on Suicide

Suicide Prevention Resources

Zero Suicide

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 


CDC’s Suicide Prevention:


Surgeon General’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2012:


American Society of Suicidology:


SAMSHA Suicide Prevention:


Veterans Crisis Line:


VA Suicide Prevention:


DoD/VA Suicide Outreach:


SPRC-Suicide Prevention Resource Center:


National Alliance for Suicide Prevention:


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:


YSPP-Youth Suicide Prevention Program:

Youth Sucide Awarenes and Preventions: A Guide for Educators, Parents and Students


SAVE-Suicide Awareness Voices of Education:


Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Programs:

Informational Resources on the Internet
from: RecognitionWorks

How to Cope with Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings - In Yourself & Others

Anger, Depression, and Disability: Adapting to a New Reality

The Guide to Rebuilding Bridges With Your Loved Ones After Battling Addiction

Earlier Than Too Late: Stopping Stress and Suicide Among Emergency Personnel

Teens and Peer Suicide: Dangerous Potential After-Effects

After a Suicide Attempt: A Guide for Family & Friends

Left Behind After Suicide
Suicide Prevention Apps

Suicide Safe from SAMSHA 

A training tool for healthcare providers to reduce patient suicide risk using the SAFE-T approach. Read more about it at the SAMSHA store at:

"A Friend Asks" 

The Jason Foundation, Inc. app provides the information, tools and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. It contains information on warning signs of suicidal ideation, resources for help, and even a “Get Help Now” feature. This feature will automatically connect the user to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7. The Jason Foundation, Inc., is dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs to equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth. Read more about it at:

Ask and Prevent Suicide App
This app which helps clients to recognize when they need to reach out and ask for help to prevent suicide. Read more about this app at
Guard your Buddy App
This app developed by the National Guard to help friends help other friends from attempting suicide. Read more about this app at:
Operation Reach Out
is designed to: Encourage people to reach out for help when they are having suicidal thoughts.
Help those who are concerned about family members, spouses, or fellow service members who may be suicidal. Read more about it at:

The Virtual Hope Box (VHB)

VHB is a smartphone application designed for use by patients and their behavioral health providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. Patients and providers can work together to personalize the VHB content on the patient's own smartphone according to the patient's specific needs. The patient can then use the VHB away from clinic, continuing to add or change content as needed. You can read mor about it at:

Wingman Project App an app developed by the Air National Guard to help friends help their own friends from attempting suicide. Read more about this app at: